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My oppinion about saber fights


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There has been a lot of discussions about saber fights and different suggestions on how to solve the problems. Upping the damage scale seems very popular, but I do not agree at all!


Upping the saber damage does not solve the problem, because the real problem is SHIELDS.... why the hell did raven put this in??? You don't see the jedis glowing green all the time in the movies. It feels like they thought ... hmm this is a first person shooter and in such a game there are always these two components: HEALTH and ARMOR... but we will call it shield to make it seem star wars like. Pffff!


The 25 shield points when you spawn makes sense... but shields are what ruin the fights. Plus upping the saber scale will make the specials more lethal and they shouldn't be. Besides it will encourage people to look and run for shields and health even more often with an upped saber damage. I vote for removing shields completely, and while we are at it remove med-kits and bacta canisters too. Then add an option for "natural" healing when crouched... which would mean you had three healing options.

- Drain

- Heal

- Crouch and heal


THIS would make saber fights really great... and about te weapons... well I only play saber servers, but I guess the damage on the weapons should be a bit lower... but I don't know really and if I think hard I am sure I don't care much :p


My suggestion is that raven in the next patch simply make a hardcoremode, so servers can select this option. I know they could just remove the items, but they don't. If Raven made this new game mode, there would be servers running it and I am sure players would enjoy it.


Hardcore Mode


Following things removed

- All med-kits

- All shields

- Bacta canisters

- Force boons

- Enlightenment


New option for healing besides Force Heal and Force Drain

- Crouch with saber down and you will slowly heal back to 100.

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I think it's a good idea for a seperate game type. But.. I think making sabers do more damage is the more realistic and better idea. You said the only problem with that is that it makes special moves too power.


Not really, when a normal saber hit will kill you in 2 or 3 hits (mb 4 or 5 depending on the stance or hit), doing a special move which leaves you wide open to counter isn't really smart. Making easier more powerful moves like lunge and the red top down slice do less damage than they do now so they aren't one hit killers would balance it out. Leaving DFA alone since it's easy as hell to counter. Reducing the damage on the yellow stance DFA would be a good idea too. Or make the yellow DFA like how it is in single player so you can't pivot, but you actually jump over someone's head and slice their head off. All that would make it balanced, even with bactas, medkits, and shields. Because you can't heal fast enough with the damage you're taking.


Although this is a nice idea. I don't think it's very practical. Still wouldn't help the situation on CTF servers, still couldn't stop someone using absorb and speed when they have the flag. It'd only really help to a minium degree, team FFA. Higher saber damage with balanced special moves, is the only way I see MP will be more like how it used to, in all game types.

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The idea I presented would fix the following which increased saber damage does not.


- Fighting on top of med-kits and shield is really just a waste of time.

- People running away to get health all the time is annoying when all you have is a melee weapon.

- With increased saber damage you would be too vulnerable at spawn and after a duel.


And about increased saber damage with the mentioned items on the map being the more realistic option... I couldn't disagree more.

1) They have no green glowing shields in the movie.

2) People can't just pick up a magic heal box to heal instantly.


Anyway making it an option in the game to have "Hard Core Mode" on or off wouldn't hurt anyone... it would be an option and people could still play the normal game. I would never suggest they made it standart.

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