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Dedicated Server Specs


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I have a PII 350Mhz machine with 256MB of RAM, 4GB of hard drive space and a T1 connection to the internet. My question is, the video card is a Matrox MGA G100 AGP card, which I don't believe is OpenGL capable. Since the server isn't actually rendering graphics will it run on this machine or do I need to find a newer card for it? Thanks in advance for any help!

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Thanks for the reply. The PC was a freebie. They were going to put it in storage. It has two DIMM slots left so I can probably bump the RAM up but can't do anything about the processor. I'll load JO up tomorrow and see how she runs. I'm running Win2k on it and this will be it's sole purpose in life :)

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I run a JK2 server on a PII 350 (Thats OC'd to 450)

I serv many dif games on it and they all work fine (1 at a time)

I don't remember exactly how much ram it has but somewhere

around 256 sounds close

I have a voodoo3 in it, you could probably pick one of those up

or maybe an nvidia based card (maybe a gf2) for next to nothing

That is if you have trouble with your current card


I also run 2k on my server which also has worked out fairly well


I dont have alot of "junk" installed on that machine and I have

disabled everything posible as far as backgroud apps etc


I think thats probably an important step

Keeps the machine from becoming laggy


So far Ive had it running up to almost 3 weeks without a reboot

and I imagine I could easily surpass that.......


I currently allow 4-6 players on a slowass cable connection 128kbps and generally get ping times under 100 with no lag


I used to run that same machine on a T1 with 8-10 players also

similar ping/lag and Im sure it could do better/more if I wanted to do it


Good luck!!

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Thanks for all the responses guys. I just wanted to follow up and let you know how it's going. I've got JK2 dedicated server installed and running. It runs great in the current configuration. I have limited the max ping to 399 because it gets laggy with 12 players if anyone is above a 400 ping. Otherwise it is running great. I have downloaded a bundle of maps, most of which it seems no one has. Oh well.

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