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Server Stats/Log Parser


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I am looking for a program that will parse the server logs and display them in HTML format.


I am aware of AEStats, but after reading their installation doc I am wondering if there is another program out there that a little "easier" and less command line based.


I don't want to go nuts with this as I am just running this server for our office (about 6 people) and I don't want to have to spend 3 hours configuring it.


(The server is running on a Windows XP Pro box)


Any ideas? And if AEState is somehow easier than their installation doc leads me to believe, please let me know.

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If you can't hang with aestats your #### out of luck. AEStats is the easier option. Other parsers and whatnot would have you install additional software packages to work, and perhaps an even more complicated install. Your best best is AEstats. It's also the most mature of the stats parsers in my opinion for JK2.

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