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Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest Darth skywalker

Poop on a dindong(the snackycake)then feedit to your ancestors.j/k please dont bann me!



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest jedihorn1

What the heck kinda post was that? That made absolutly NO sense once so ever!




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Darth Vader
Originally posted by Darth skywalker:

Poop on a dindong(the snackycake)then feedit to your ancestors.


No, feed it to Jar-Jar. Maybe he'll die.



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Guest Jedi Trunks

good touch vadar





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Ahh yes the UN-COUNCIL at work. This is good.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

In the early days of this forum there was a council. After a while people became Jealous and wanted to vote for new members. The Council was to be re-formed. At this time I became Supreme Chancellor. The Council didn't realize this until it was to late. I needed a faction to back me up. Just as the Old council dying away, the UN-Council was formed. After a while there were more talks of reforming the Old COuncil. So the Sith Formed an order to represent the darker side of the Forum. The Un-Council is just for the sake of humor. We pretty much make fun of everything and everyone, including each other.

Maybe one day The Old Council will reform. But until then we are the only ones that defy the Sith.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Jedi Trunks

you must let me join, i have to apppose Darth Trunks!





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest darthjustin69

and we also defy you barnabas!!




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



Sith Order Member

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Guest Darth skywalker

Hey jedihorn go suck on some poop.j/k



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest Barnabas Antilies

You defy humor justin69? Because that is what we are. Humor in it's strongest form. You cannot defy humor.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> Go suck your own poop, DarthJustin69. We wouldn't want to waste our precious digested food for you.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~A Jedi Knight?!I'm out of it for a little while and everyone grows up.~


[This message has been edited by Adi_Gallia (edited April 29, 2000).]

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Guest Hannibal

Ahh, the return of the poop.



biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif<font color="red"> I Love Everbody!!! Yep, even you!</font color> biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council


[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 29, 2000).]

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Guest porkins

yeah, darthjustin69 is definately not funny. the horns in his head make him reeeeely uptight. that and the lightsaber in his a$$.





Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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