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Move/artistic summary.

Hanch Saode

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So, since I am so n00by at jk2, I still haven't got many of the moves in me...and can't remember them all.


So I wondered if someone know/can make a summary over the most/all of the moves and artstic "things"...


I have seen a few some different places onkine, but they seemed to miss something...


So if someone can help?

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Originally posted by Old_Ben

All of the moves you can perform with the lightsaber are in the manual that came with the game. I'm not sure what other moves your talking about.




Hmm...didn't know of the guide you mention...will chack it out...thx :)

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First of all, you've been playing jk2 for at least more than a month :p. How can you call joorself a noob? It's not like you get pounded in every single duel? ;).


One "Artistic move" or rather three is the Crane Jump/Lounge jump. Quickly tap Forward or Strafe then hold jump, and it'll make your character model perform a special jump that isn't really all that strategically advantageous but it looks cool with saber ignited.


Wall Flips and WallRuns: Strafe in the direction of the wall and hit jump. For wall runs, hold yourself at an angle towards the wall: Forward+ The direction of the wall and press jump. If you tap jump again you do a premature graceful leap off your wall run.


There's also the weird forward-backward roll, in which you start a forward roll then hold Backpedal, literally making your character do half a roll. Good for pissing people off in the start of a duel, who like their "space" ;).

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