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ROTJ : special edition

Guest Shinigami

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Guest Shinigami

theres a few humourous observations i made while watching the special edition of ROTJ recently

1. when Leia comes in with Chewie, Boba Fett can be seen hitting on the backup singers.

2. Chewie's tarzan yell while swinging onto the AT-ST

3. during the forest battle, a stormtrooper throws one of the ewoks like a rag doll





12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Spokesperson of Animé

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Guest Shinigami

its pretty lonley... yup... no one around but me... i really need sleep... darn insomnia... makin me talk to myself... hmm i wonder if someone has the handle, han solo... <font color="red">someone probably does. dont pretend like you dont know why you wanna know... <font color="white">what? you're crazy... <font color="red">am i really? maybe you're the crazy one... <font color="white">no im not! you are... <font color="red">just cuz you're in luuuuv!... <font color="white">NO IM NOT!!... <font color="red">really? then why are you blushing?... <font color="white">its uh,... <font color="red">well, whats your excuse now?... <font color="white">your mad! get outta my mind!!... <font color="red">heh, now look what you've done, you've typed our whole conversation... <font color="white">really? now what are you doing? don't click submit!! ARRGH!!!



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Master of Animé

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Guest Darth Shinigami

<font color="red"> the following has been brought to you by the mind of a crazed fool... <font color="white"> let me go!!... <font color="red"> QUIET LOVER BOY!!




shinigami.jpg Darth Shinigami, Sith-in-training

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Guest Jedi Trunks

yo dude i'm here.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Darth Trunks

You MUST DIE Trunks, u damn Jedi!!!!





Darth Trunks, Dark Lord of The Sith Order


"Out To Kill"

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