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An Easy Question... just not for me


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I beleive its forty.


This is easy enough to check...just keep adding units to a hotkey until you can't add any more.


Personally, I think I should be able to assign all 250 units to a hotkey if I want to, but that's just me. I alosw think a unit should be able to be in multiple hotkeys.

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Lag? In single player games? What the heck are you talking about?




But since you're one of those mulitplayer folks, I'll have you know that I often march enormous armies against my foes, and I haven't had lag problems doing it yet, just frustration from the fact that it takes like 5 or 6 hotkeys to move the whole army around when it could take one.

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Originally posted by jcb231

Lag? In single player games? What the heck are you talking about?


Actually I had lots of single player lag on my old computer. Though it wasn't exactly lag, it was more like my computer would randomly freeze for about 5 minutes and then if I was lucky it might unfreeze. Though that was likely caused more by the fact that it was an pos acer than by 40-unit formations. :)

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I've had some lag in single player games also, in this scenario (forgot what it was called, eight players, you get 6 special heros and get more as you kill units, ect.), anyway it lagged like hell. My system specs are:


Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz

512 Ram

Nvida TnT 2 32 mb graphics card


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