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The Gungan Sith Warriors Clan


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Hell this is Jeze and i am starting a clan, the Gingan Sith warriors clan. Now many people may think it is stupid but i call it original. If you want to join just email me at sage042688@email.com

or simply reply to this thread if you want to instant message me my screen name is Temjinneo78 is you want to contact me instantly. you will need to download the Jar Jar Binks model and u can use either that or the generic gungan that comes with it. U will also need the Otha Gunga map. Thank You for your time nd support.

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You do not have to be a gungan to be in this clan, the only reason that the clan has this name is because the Councl Members are Gungans and they put this together, There is a light side to the Clan which is called [GjW] {Gungan Jedi Warriors} for those interested in joining a jedi clan.

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