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a detail about Plo vs Maul, from the revised guide

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

thought you might find this interesting, from the revised guide that will be ready in a couple of days:


4. There’s a fine art to knowing when to retreat from Maul versus when to go at him again with another combo. Notice that he has two ways of hunching up in pain: in the first way, he’s hunched up, recovering from a salvo, but he’s facing away from you. If you see this, it’s safe to start in with your combo. But he has another way of being hunched up, convalescing: facing toward you, with his face visible and clearly toward you. If you see that, get back! It means he’s just about to strike you no matter what you do and that your combo will be fruitless. Better to get some distance between you two in this case; that’s more likely to give you an opportunity to try again.






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Guest darth superiorblood

I never really found it that hard to beat maul with plo koon, I always just use the SSX combo when you are within striking distance. If he starts to pull some fast combos to break your rhythm, just use the force X to fend him off and then just use the SSX combo as soon as he is pushed back. After awhile you get the hang of it. Plo Koon may be slow, but you should be able to beat him easily this way.

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