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I am on level cairne_assembly..while having to reload that level I found myself ( frankly I think having to jump on a 'narrow' beam is a bit much but yeah gotta go with flow I guess..or is there another clever jedi out there that found another way? <G>..) starring at a locked up game..using XP so it was no biggie getting desktop back albeit with messed up colors..i'm not 'also' noticing that double clicking or even clicking once then clicking 'load level' is causing glitchy behavior in that I hear several kinda like beeps in a row as if the game is 'stuck' but then it goes on..


this is a brand new DELL dimension PIV2.26Ghz with 256MB pc800 rdram with a geforce4 TI4200 64MB ram video card..so far no other issues with any other game(s)..


hoping for a quick fix if this is a 'bug' and not my computer ?


thx anyone



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