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hey Kanigget, you got some splainin to do

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

Since you're the one who sold me on Metal Gear Solid, YOU'RE the one that has to answer all my greenhorn questions.




1. Is there some way to avoid dying, for lack of a better phrase? I try and sneak around, but the minute the guys see me they shoot me to pieces. I try to fight back with the C button, but there's too many of them and I die too quickly. Don't I have a gun or something?


2. Can I only save my game where they want me to, like JPB? So when I die I have to do all that sneaking all over again? I feel like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day." Isn't there some way to save when I want, like with the majority of PC games?


3. Where's the damn elevator? I've died 33 times (no kidding; my girlfriend is keeping count) and I haven't gotten to it. How far is it? Where is it?


4. Is tehre a cheat code for invincibility?


In my opinion the game is unreasonably difficult. I'm about to give up.


Hurry up and get back to me so we can delete this shamelessly off-topic post.








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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Ok, from the sound of it, you're still on the first "level".


1. To stay alive here, you:

a. have to be REALLY good a breaking the genome soldier's neck.




b. sneak aroud VERY quietly.


At the "top right" of the room, there is a crate, hide behind it and wait very patiently. After a few minutes, there will be a klaxon and the elevator will come back down. Wait until the soldier gets off of the elevator and wait longer until he or any other of the soldiers aren't looking towards the elevator's direction. Run towards the elevator and get in. I haven't played this level in awhile, but I think that the elevator automatically starts back up again. If it doesn't, go to the bottom left of the elevator and hit O and choose the level. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it starts up itself.(That is, if you're not spotted. If you are, try to get back to the water without dying.)


There is a gun (the socom). It's in the truck that's just past the helipad outside. You have to walk up to it and when you're close enough to the opening, you'll jump in.


2. Contact Mei Ling (Frequency 140.96) to save. Only thing is, it's not worth saving if you're only on the first "level".


3. Yeah, there's a cheat code, but I'm not gonna tell you until you try the tips I gave you.


Second thought: You might have gotten past the first elevator and into the out side, (but if you did, you should know about the save.) Anyway, past and to the left the truck I was telling you about, there is a duct of some kind guarded by a sleeping soldier and a camera (quite awake). Kill the soldier and hit X to start crawling into the duct. Once you've gotten yourself into the tank "hanger", there is an elevator at almost North (if North is the "top" of the screen.) Hit O once to activate it, and if you are in real trouble and impatient, hit O again to get the doors to open quicker. Get in, then again to the bottom left of it, hit O to select the floor level. Note: if you are spotted, any and all elevators will not work unless the soldiers have stopped looking for you and returned to their positions.


This game is actually not as hard as it may seem at first. And don't worry, more weapons will come later in the game. Special bonus: Beat the game twice and you'll get to wear a Bond-esque tux.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 01, 2000).]

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi

i like the stealth camoflage best apart from the bosses can still see you though i hate otakon h gets on my nerves i like the tomato sauce bit where your in thsat prison cell





"if you strike me down darth i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine!

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Guest 84Elan

I too have just bought MGS and to tell ya all the truth I am not a big fan. I mean its cool, do not get me wrong but if I am going out to save the world from some wild man with no help the least they could do is send me in there with a SILENCED 9MM. I hate games like this everyone else has a sub machine gun or assalt rifle and here I am out to save the world with my Austin Powers Judo Chop!I am about to can this game.


Do not worry Wart you are not alone. I would say that I am B+/A- student of the art of gaming but this game really pushes my buttons!



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

You get a gun almost immediately, and not too far past that in the game you'll also get a silencer for the socom. You'll also get a Fa-mas (machine gun) rocket launcher, PS1 sniper rifle, land mines, grenades, stun grenades, chaff grenades, and more that I can't think of right now. Don't worry, you get plenty of weapons in this game. If you or Wart need any tips, I should be able to help you. My e-mail address is above in one of those icon things.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Jedi Dire

Metal Gear Solid rocks man. honestly, my sister and her boyfriend introduced the game to me. the got past the elevator and made their way into the ducts and snuck themselves inside the building.


come on Wart, even my SISTER got farther than you. that's almost pathetic smile.gif but don't worry, i can see how it is fustrating for you. here's a tip. play on Easy, and use the radar to help you. stay out of the enemies blue cone of vision. more is explained on what this is as soon as you get out on the elevator. just head to the very top of the screen and wait behind the forklift machine. honestly, you should do the VR Training missions before you start the game. they help a lot. and you should check out the special (option) for the story line of the past two metal gears, as well as the briefing for what's going down.


well, good luck.


oh, also, the only thing i don't like about this game is when you choke a guard, he doesn't drop he weapon. that ain't fair.

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Guest Jedi Dire

oh i forgot, Wart, do you know how to choke and break people's necks? if you sneak up behind someone (don't walk up to them in plain sight, a few guards will hound you, shooting at you) and press and hold the square button. this will make you grab your enemies neck. keep on pressing square (1o times to be exact) and you'll break your opponents neck. clean and easy, but, watch out because when you drop the guards lifeless body, someone might hear it.


also, i'm online right now, so i can help you smile.gif

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Guest Darth Wart

Okay, everybody, here's the deal:


We finally got past the elevator, and a ways past that. But there's some things I haven't been understanding:


1. How do you jump onto stuff?


2. Is there a way to cancel the cutscenes? It seems we've been doing a lot more movie-watching than playing.


3. Why is it that while the Darpa chief was explaining about the "walking nuclear arsenal," my disc froze for 30 minutes (no exaggeration) and went to black during his explanation, with only an icon of a disc in the upper right corner? Is my MGS disc defective, or does everybody's do that?


4. How do I exit the game in the middle of play? It seems like I have to die first, which doesn't seem right.


5. It seems that Mei Ling (the combination of her youth, her beauty, and her technological wizardry did not at all strike me as implausible) has been screwing me! I get her to save the game, but when I return I'm at a point previous to where I know I DEFINITELY saved it. In other words, this flirtacious bimbo has been disobeying me! Is is only possible to save the game at certain points, and then at other points saving it does nothing, as the manual seems to suggest--p. 30? (This is what I currently believe.) If so, how do I know what those points are?


6. MOST CONFUSINGLY, when I get out of the Darpa chief's cell, there's a chick on all fours on the floor with her patootie in the air! (I'm not making this up!) No explanation was given for this! Who is this chick? What does her ass have to do with the story? How did she get that way? Who is she? Why don't we go back and see if she's okay? (We were staring at the screen dumbfounded when we saw this.)


P.S. We have the game on easy.


It's obviously a cool game, just a little confusing. (WHY IS MY GUY DYING?!?)


Don't worry, though. I'm not THAT frustrated. I recently found a trainer for TPM (PC) that gives you all weapons, unlimited ammo, and infinite health. I've been "cleaning up" the streets of Mos Espa, Bronson-style. It's refreshing, though I have to admit a little psychotic on my part. (Whatever you do, don't the guy hanging out in Jabba's backyard, though.)






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[This message has been edited by Darth Wart (edited July 02, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

Ah Wart your nothing but a no good Killer.I knew you were trouble the moment I saw your red blade. LOL


Purging the space port is a fun thing to do in a weird sort of way, the women and kids with their death crys really kinda take the wind out of ya sails. As for MGS and the trainning missions they are worse than the game espesially the gun trainng mode. 3+ shots to kill a guy come on Snake no head shots? And once one guy sees you the gig is up. BS the gig is up when my 9 is sticking its toung out and I get shot, not when someone sees me.


Oh well; hey does TPM have some kind or Moral stopper in it or something? Half of the time when I go postal on the locals the game will not let me attack. I can not put my saber away yet I can not swing it either.



Don't center on your anxieties...keep your focus on the here and now.

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Guest Darth Wart

You know, it seems to have some kind of moral stopper -- although the fact that you can't put your blade away is something that's never happened to me -- maybe your trainer is causing the game to glitch up (mine causes the animation to fps clunkily).


Having gone postal through most of the levels by this point, I have noticed several things that this produces:


1. If you kill a character that will later be important (such as the blue chick that leads you to Jabba), the game'll say "Padme has been killed."


2. If you kill random people, the bystanders will attack you. Two problems: some of them (the pig guys) are invulnerable. The game's way of telling you you were supposed to die for having offed an innocent passerby. Second: if you do this and manage to escape the wrath of the crowd, sometimes dialogues you know are there will not load, presumably because people refuse to talk to the likes of you.


3. If you kill Anakin, Jar-Jar, or anybody like that, you know what happens. But if you kill Anakin's mom, watch out! Even the camels start shooting at you.


4. If you go postal on the podracing crowd, only about 30% of them can be killed.


5. There is absolutely no penalty for killing the children in the slave quarter! Only the children themselves seem to notice; to everybody else, a dead boy in the road is just another day in the life. Murdering children will not stop you from doing anything.



6. (This is fun.) If you're supposed to do a bunch of haggling with somebody for some item (like in the bar), just kill them. The item will appear where there body falls and you can just pick it up.


7. The worst "moral stopper" I've found so far is: that guy in Watto's backyard? I shot him to ribbons, then saved my game before walking into Watto's shop. THIS WAS A MISTAKE. Anakin kept repeating "I'm not gonna help a killer like you," and Watto, "You killed my friend; now, I'll never help you." They even recognized me when I "changed" to Padme, in an attempt to get the damn t-14 thing. I had no choice but to restart the level.






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Guest Dave Maul

Wow, there's a lot of stuff there that I haden't noticed (Trigger-Happy Eopies?).




Dave Maul

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

More questions, more answers:


1. Only way you can jump on stuff is the game does it for you. For example the back of that truck behind the helipad. If you walk up to it so you're touching the back of the truck, it should start a sequence (a short one-second thing) of you jumping in the truck. This will happen for other areas you need to jump onto.


2. There are a lot of cutscenes in this game, but it is essential to the story line (granted, at times they seem to ramble, but maybe it's to keep you from going too psycho. You do end up killing a lot of people in cold blood.), if you zoom through them without paying attention, you'll soon be lost on what you're doing. SO PAY ATTENTION!!!


3. Your disc shouldn't freeze or go black. Do you have a new or used copy of MGS? Maybe your PSX is giving you silly-buggers. I've never had that happen to me except once. That was because I was using a rented game and that game disc had a rather large scratch on the important stuff.


4. Either hit the "reset" button or the "power" button on your PlayStation. I don't think you can actually exit out of the game. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)


5. Saves aren't similar to TPM, where you save it, and that's where you begin. From what I can tell, it'll start you at the beginning of that room where you saved it. So if you saved it in the tank hangar after killing some of the guards, they might be back, but the weapons and/or ammo you took should still be in your possession. (I'm not sure, I've never really goofed around with this that much.)


6. Uh...that's not a woman. That's a genome soldier and I believe he's male. You should have or soon will (As in: a matter of seconds) meet the reason why this guard is knocked out and buck naked.


Ask if you need more help.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 02, 2000).]

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