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Idea for a Mod. (Bounty Hunter)


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Well, since I'm better at ideas than I am at techincal issues, such as.. making anything heh. I thought I'd throw out an idea I've been toying with on a SP (or even MP extended) mod, that focuses on Bounty Hunters. Titled.. duh.. Bouty Hunter heh. Anyway here's my rough idea.


First of all, this mod would be sololy from the point of view from a Bounty Hunter (of your choice, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Greedo, Boush, ect). The game would be setup kind of like Counter-strike.. least in the way weapons are obtained. You do jobs, you get credits, use credits to purchase better and more advanced (experimental even) weapons. The whole purpose of Bounty Hunters in the Star Wars galaxy is basically loners who have great talent in tracking.. and very advanced weaponary to deal with any problem. This should hold true here. Here's a list of weapons and equipment existing and not existing, that I think would be a good idea for it:


Blaster Pistol (duh)


Blaster rifle (Imperial E-11, from stormtroopers)


Blaster Sub-rifle Modifed (The weapon Boba Fett uses in ROTJ and ESB)


Imperial Heavy Repeater (enemy droppable and bought)


Blaster Rifle w/ stun bolt secondary shot. (enemy droppable and bought)


Grappling hook.




Sniper rifle (not the disrupter, a weapon that fires heavy lances of metal at subsonic speed)


EMP rifle.


Double Barrelled Blaster Rifle Modifed.


Flecehtte FC-1 Golan Arms. (enemy droppable)


Modifed Merr-Sonn PLX-2m Portable Missle System (modifed into having a blaster combined into the bottom of the launcher, but the missle limit is one smaller verison, which has to be manually reloaded, Blaster being similar to the modifed subrifle.)


Stun Pistol (shoots electric beam like Lightning, stuns doesn't kill)


Stun Rod


Wookie Bowcaster (enemy droppable like the E-11)


Trip mines.


Detonation packs.


Thermal Detonators.


Disruptor mines.


Cloaked Trip mines.


Stun claymore mines.



Well, obviously some of those weapons and equipment don't exist. But in my experience, I believe they're makable. Basically all the weapons expect the Lightsaber and Disruptor rifle would be included, along with new weapons and equipment, giving the Bounty Hunter a wide variety of weapons. The catch is, there's a limit to how much you can carry (just like in real life and even in the movies, you can't be a one man arsenal). So basically this is how it'd be, you'd have room for a Sidearm (pistol), Stun Rod, Primary weapon and Secondary weapon. You would choose these from a menu before each mission. From your ship's arsenal, and you'd be with these weapons the entire mission OR you drop them and pick up new weapons. All weapons wouldn't be available from the outset, weapons would have prices according to their power and rarity. So completing missions would be the only real way to get money.


Now as for the structure. Like I said before it'd be money based.. or should I say credit based. Your employeer (whoever you're working for that day) would give you a job and offer a price, you can either accept or decline. Accepting would put you in that person's graces, their forces/henchmen would assist you whenever needed. But their enemies would then be your enemies.


So here's an example. If you took a job for the Remenant, you'd have Rebels and Jedi after you. Against the Remenant, you'd have Sith and Imperials after you. With gangsters (Reelo, other unnammed gangsters). You'd have rival gangs and local law in forcement on you. With the local law in forcement, you'd have criminals against you. And so on. To keep it semi realistic each time you finished a mission for a certain organization, you'd get "faction" with them and their enemies, good for the people you helped, bad for their enemies. So basically, the way this would work is you would eventually end up full time working for an organization, due to others not liking you through your work against them. This would flow through a story that would lead into branched pathes (like the first Jedi Knight).


You'd have the option to do "good" Bounty work or "bad". Those two words don't really apply to a Bounty Hunter, since the only word they understand is credits. So in the end of the game it'd be more about the story, since you get involved with whatever faction you choose to represent. As for the firepower, you would have no force powers or Lightsabers the entire game. You would just have your weapons, wits and your tools of the trade. Far beyond what any merc or soldier could have. This would help you beat increbile odds.. and yes.. even Jedi and Sith. In this you would be forced to fight eventually for whatever path you choose a Sith or Jedi, depending on the path. Whether they're directly in your way or indirectly, you would run into a few. Considering that this would take place roughly around the same time of Desann invading the Valley of the Jedi. So Reborns and Jedis will be a plenty.


The objectives would vary, depending on which faction you take, but most would overlap. Some not, since they're considered "evil only". Some would require you to capture a certain person and return them to your employeer. Some would require you to elimate key members of an opposing faction. Some would require you to kill someone with a price on their head universely. Some would require you to assassinate a high public offical. Blow up diplomatic ships (would be mostly Imperial and Republic only). Terrorism (touchy topic these days, but Bounty Hunters would resort to it). And various other things to give it variety.


The money system could carry over into multiplayer as well. Making it where you could choose teams. Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunters. Jedi having only Light powers and a Lightsaber. Sith having Dark powers and a Lightsaber. Bounty Hunters living by credits of kills to earn better equipment. In the end Bounty Hunters would give any Jedi or Sith a run for their... no pun... money.


Anyway, lots of other ideas about this. Was just thinking outloud, might make an interesting mod if anyone with experience would be willing. I already have an idea of how to get the Jet Pack working. Basically it'd be simple, get a graphic of the fire coming out of an animation of a backpack on a Bounty Hunter's back and have the effect of the backpack be like a force jump 3. But with less gravity, so the person floats slightly more than a force jump. Would make for a good effect, and able to counter Jedi/Sith.


Well that's my warped idea on a mod. If anyone cares. I'm just bored and tired, thought someone might find it interesting heh.

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