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i have an idea for a mod. It could be a gokudo mod. my ideas for it follow: **If you wanna watch gokudo and havent seen it there could be some spoilers BE WARY!!!**


1. Instead of saber throw, gokudo woud shoot flame out of his sword.


2. gokudo could also throw his sword, but he had to pick it up or get it to appear in his hand to get it back.


3.gokudo's sword would go in his inventory but if he needs space he can drop it and call it back when theres another empty spot.


4. gokudo's sword calling and flame shooting would be powers, instead of the force he would use "mana"


5. **SPOILER!!!** when gokudo swaps bodys with rubette he could use the magic arrow

these are my ideas. if someone makes a gokudo mod i only ask for credit. i dont know how to make mods so i will not make it. :(

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