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Footnotes to Plo vs. Maul

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

My strategy for this most difficult of JPB tasks is outlined in great detail in the link of my sig.


For the past two weeks, I have been playing Plo vs. Maul every day in an attempt to get utterly seamless at it. It is now rare for me to lose a guy at this, thought it still

does occasionally happen.


So this is some of what I've discovered:


1. In the very last room of the level, there are dark, shadow-filled corners in the bottom left and right of the screen to which your character cannot hop back. Invisible walls prevent you from getting in that area

thoughn it looks like you should be able to. Just keep this in mind if you're fighting left to right across the bottom of the screen, something I don't advise. (This goes for any character, obviously, but the need for knowing about possible retreat areas is so much greater with Plo.)


2. On this head, bear in mind that in the SECOND room after the final checkpoint, it looks like you should be able to retreat back into the first room. You can't; invisible walls. So don't fight with that as a reserve strategy.


3. Don't ever use Plo's L2 + T or orange body thing against Maul. Ever. Both are completely worthless.


4. SSX is the only combo you can use. Seriously. Don't bother scouring Plo's inventory for possible combos that would be more effective; there are none. And never intentionally strike Maul with a single blow only.


5. Be aware that it's not possible to map out an exact strategy of how to defeat Plo, what to do precisely and when, the way some people use to graph Pac-Man patterns. This is because (I've come to realize) the attacks and combos that Maul throws at you are selected randomly. You'll run into the first room sometimes and he'll unleash a vicious 5-hit combo which depletes half your health. Other times, you run in, same angle, same everything, and he gives you one pissy bonk. So don't necessarily think something's going to work just because it did before when you were in the EXACT same situation and position.


6. As I noted in a recent post, there are two ways Maul "hunches over." The first is facing away from you, bent over. This is typically after you've made him OOMPH. When you see this, you can start in with the combo again. There's another way he has of being hunched over, where he's closer to you, facing you. Get back if you see this. It means he will almost surely block any salvo or interrupt it. The idea time to strike is when he's bent over the first way or when he's strutting toward you, within range.


7. Be extra careful on the jump rings and windmills; take your time. You cannot afford to be careless with your 8 lives, the way you can sometimes be with other characters; you may need all your lives (and then some).


8. The lightsaber powerup right before the first electrical bridge fight with Maul is only better for you in terms of the points it produces, NOT THE DAMAGE.


9. Exit the level and re-start if you get below six lives; you'll be glad you did later.


10. Behold! THE ONLY ADVANTAGE OF USING PLO KOON IN LEVEL 10! It definitely takes fewer hits to kill Maul, but only in the very final room (presumably this is because "Plo is strong.") Seven hits fewer, to be exact.


Enjoy, fellow geeks.


This stuff will be included in the revised guide, due out by the end of the holiday.






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Guest Dave Maul

I can actually do a reasonable amount of damage to Maul with just the XX combo. I use it twice, then jump out the way into the air, lock on, and start again. However, as soon as he gets one hit on you, you're stuck, and you need to improvise. I just can't get these combos to work. Doesn't the ultimate lightsaber do more damage to bosses than the usual lightsaber?




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

No, this is with Plo. It's the only way I can get Maul damaged (except with the force lightning).




Dave Maul

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Guest 84Elan

I know that by saying this that I will be shunned and kicked off the board but Beating Maul with Plo has eluded me unfortunatly. I simply have not had the resolve or the determination to sit there and try to nurse Plo through the level. I have reached the energy bridge most of the time but that is it. It really pisses me off. One day I shall do it, but for now I simply switch to another character and just ravage Maul and then feel a whole lot better.


Sorry ladies and Gents I hope you all forgive me I guess I am still a patawan and not a knight.



Don't center on your anxieties...keep your focus on the here and now.

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