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What about the Holocrons?

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In every scenario I make, I cannot set the global victory to Holocrons. I go to Custom and check Holocrons. Everything seems fine. Then I save and... Ta da! The check is gone.:confused: So I checked conquest in the same menu and saved. The check is still there. I add Exploration. It also stays. Then I click to bring Holocrons into the mix and still it is rejected. Meanwhile Exploration and Conquest are still checked, taunting me.


How can I save the Holocron setting??

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I need it for a Gungan\ Confederacy campaign with cameos of Republic and Naboo. I want the bonus mission, Colonization of Malloh, to require exploration, Holocrons, and conquest. Is there any way I can do this, even without being able to save Holocrons?


A simple link would suffice...

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