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CTF Makin Me mad!


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Aight, I have tried everything I could of done, even wid the good mappers they helped me on this forum. Well I can';t make my ctf playable!!! It won't show up i make the pk3 files in it with the folder containg the bsb,arena,levelshot stuff and i zip it into a pk3 and it still wont work!! I made everythign that i am sopose to for a ctf level [A ctf player red, Ctf player blue,red n blue flag, player respawn for each team about like 4 for each team. n saved it and did a bsb fullvis and it still didnt work! Man seroius im not tryin to be a jerk or somethign can someone actrully take there time helpin me out in like talkin 1 on 1 on aol or aim if a can IM me PLZPLZPLZ My screenname is "CookingMyRice" IM DESPREAT!!!

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Did that already and still don't work. Ive deleted my map neways it was way to small to play ctf and it was boring im trying to think of a new one. Ill prob repost a reply when im done wid my other map i had an idea of a twin tower kind of but got to lazy well neways thanxs for ds help lator

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