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I've figured it out !!!

Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

I've finally figured out why Plo has such a hard time beating Maul. Maul seems to be able to block almost all of Plo's swings. But I have uncovered the truth! Plo is actually using a Canadian Lightsaber! Its all beginning to make sense now, isnt it? Aha!



qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Plo Koon is No. 1

I fell off my skateboard the other day and pretty much killed myself, so I'll blame Canada. biggrin.gif


Meatloaf for dinner AGAIN?! STUPID CANADA!!!


(Just kidding, all you Canadians out there)


Ha ha, those stupid Canadians think I'm kidding...


(No, I really am kidding)



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Guest Solrya

You know what you Americans. That's not very nice! You guys will be the one that'll end up killing yourselves. BTW, I passed lv. 5 with Plo Koon no prob, I'm on lv 7 now.

Maybe you need to practise some more!

Whenever something bad happened, why don't I blame you guys instead of the entire USA, it's much more fun that way!

I'm just joking, or then again, I might not be!



I'm just a girl that is defending for her country




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Guest 84Elan

Wait till you get to 10 with Plo then the fun begins! "I got a bad feeling about this."



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

No,no,no he is talking about wehn jedi kaingett was posint about the REAL light sabers made in canada but are like flash lights




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Guest Solrya

You know what, you guys are right about one thing, Plo Koon against Darth Maul in Lv. 10 does suck, but it's no reason to blame Canada, you...I'm not gonna say it.

I know the lightsaber that exists now is just flashes of light, but come on, it's still developing, you know! I don't see USA trying to create one!

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Heh...I'm pretty sure the United States Government has come up with something.

I don't think they'd tell the public, however, for various reasons. smile.gif


And besides that, can't you people take a joke?!

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Guest Weasel

They may not tell the public but the public will probably know anyways. If you've been watching the news lately they aren't doing very well in the secrecy department. First they found that people could enter their most heavily gaurded government buildings with a police badge purchased from the local costume store and now they've gone and lost some of their nuclear weapons data. Opps. Nothing against the USA, just thought I'd stick up for my country a little as well. (On a different note I personally think the sabre is rather foolish but I'm sure that history will tell that most advancements in technology appear foolish while being developped)

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Guest 84Elan

If there were to be a lightsaber made for real I would expect to see it from the private sector not the government. It may be developed using government type eqipment but not souly bu the US Gov or anyone's Gov for that matter. Any way good old Ben said it best "It is a elegant weapon for a more civilized time" I fear that time has passed in our society at lest here in the states in the big coastal cities.

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

I am afraid to say this but I think the human race is unable to be "civilized".



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