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Co-op bot mod


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I wasn't really sure on where to put this so I decided to put it here. I am wondering if there is a mod so that we could get all the bots like the Battle Droid's to work together, and all the Jedi to work together as well.

I was tryin to take screenshots of the fight at the Large Sand Arena on Geonosis, but all the battle droid bots fight against themselves, and all the Jedi bots fight themselves as well.

Is there anyway to possibly "control" the bots to keep them on your side or to make them fight certain people?

If someone could make a mod I would greatly appreciate it and it would be fun, and easy to recreate the battle scenes on Naboo or the beginning of the Clone Wars.

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You'll quickly find out that I know how to point out if something would be cool or not. All I know is that some of this stuff is very difficult to do.... I know the file format of a mod but I have no clue of how a mod works exactly, therefore I have no clue on where to even start.

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I ran the Jedimod and had the g_JedivMerc setting on, when I played CTF there were separate teams but everyone maintained their FFA skins. It was pretty fun, but for some reason I couldn't change my saber color, it wasn't red or blue either, it was like an orange color. Now everyone else had either Red or Blue sabers, but mine was redish orange for some reason. Maybe it was just a bug or something. Give it a try and see if they same happens with you, in a way it would be sort of like what you are looking for.

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