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Kinja's Total Conversion Mod Team Hireing!


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Kinja's Total Conversion Mod Team Hireing!

Kinja here! Well, I'm looking for a couple of really good coders for a Total Conversion me and some of my friends and colleagues are working on. I don't want to give out too much info about it at this point.(not until we have more to show) I will say that it does not take place in the Star Wars Universe, but rather in ancient China. We will be shooting for a very proffessional stand alone game. I have a very experienced Lead Animator on the project aswell as an ex Image Comics artist and another very talented friend working on the concepts as we speak. Actually they have been working on them for about a month now. The very talented Kman, the guy who skinned Count Dooku and my Yoda Model will be working our charachter skins. BTW: I'm also looking for 1 or two very good and experienced level Mappers. So if you think you got what it takes please E-Mail me at revolutiongames@msn.com . Also please include any relevent experience that you have. THX



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