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A little help here would be hot.

Guest 84Elan

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Guest 84Elan

I would like to know what needs to be done in the game to get the other secret levels other than 14. i know the gungan artifacts on 2 and 7 but the other one I do not know that level sucks any way I hear but what of the other levels. I have beaten the game with Qui Gon,Obi Wan and Mace all 100 skill all icons recieved. I have the ultimate saber and the three hidden characters; have yet to finish the game with them what do I have to do? I know you guys have probably gone over this before but please don't tell me to go sifting through the posts. Thanks and Mayt he force be with you.....



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest the13thJedi

the third artifact is in level 5 just after the first checkpoint at the bottom of the screen. youve gotta jump of the screen to find it... Also, nothing happens when you beat the game with any or all of the secret characters.

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Guest Hannibal

Where's the artifact on 7? I already got it but because the Roundup level is open but I don't know where i got it. I was suprised when i found the level was open. I know of the artifacts on 2(on the way to the worm at the end) and 5(walk of faith on ledge), but not 7.



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Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council


[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited April 29, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

the level 7 artifact is behind a bush near the end of the level. just after the hole in the ground there is a hill you go up with a red droid at the top of the screen... its behind that droid that you will find the third artifact.

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Guest 84Elan

Thank you The13Jedi You truly are the last of a dieing Breed of Jedi. I will have to look hard on 5 for the artifact. I know that I recently just found a extra life on one of the last bridges on level 6. Thank you for your help. Althought this board is in a poor shape it is jedi like yourself that make it worth trying to save. I read your Post about the board I agree with you 100%. The people that have taken over the board do not wish to take the time to answer questions on the game because yes it is a pain to tell some one how to beat the worm on Naboo or the Armadillo on level 5 but hey thats what we are here for. To help others not to just sit around bitch at each other. All that bickering stems from too much time on the board to begin with. No dought you make friends but when you spend too much time in here and not enough with your real friends Some thing is not right.


Enough of me on the soap box. Again let me thank you for your reply and May the force be with you. The force is strong with you.


Hannibal. You too are a one the of the last greats I do not spend enough time here to find out who has left and who has stayed but you have been there and seen the decline of this board. I wish you well..the force will be with you always.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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