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I may be doing something wrong.... "target_null"? I was wondering if you meant "info_null"? I've tried that, and although it does center the light around the object, it doesn't quite have the effect I was looking for.


I seem to remember Q3 (I know it's not exactly the same) having some sort of light effect that you could actually see the lights coming from the source, not just seeing the target area lit up.

Thanks for the reply! I should probably settle for good enough on this one.



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it is an info_null--and that will make a spotlight--but you will NOT see a beam of light.


You will have to create a beam.shader or get one from a texture site like wadfather.


OR--you could play around with the beam.efx in the Assets0.pk3 folder--they look pretty tight.

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My buddy made a map with a strobbing spot light coming from a window.. with a 1 grid thick layer of fog around a brush of a beam texture.. anyways It makes a really sweet look to his windows on his map.. i'll try to post a screen so you can see it as well

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