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Additions to the walkthrough

Guest Weasel

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Guest Weasel

First of all I would like to say that the walkthrough written by Darth Wart is very well done. As well as being helpful it is also interesting to read. Just a couple of things that may possibly be helpful to other new players that are not in the walkthrough yet:


Level 4:

- After the jumping sequence there is an extra life at the bottom of the screen on the flower pot (you can see it if you go into the room then walk down and left to the window) I have trouble getting it sometime and usually have to jump off screen before it gives it to me but it is worth the 200 pts

- After getting the queen to the spiral staircase I usually run back into he hallway to clear the plants and the droids on the balconies. On all of the balconies there are goodies at the back of the short hallway.


Level 6: you know the part where there are two guys shooting at you from across a spot where you have to jump onto a row of moving taxis then make it to the other side. Although it may take some time you can kill one of the guys by moving down the edge of the platform before getting on the taxis. The guy in the upper right will have his rifle poke into the screen which seems to allow him to actually hit you and thus the deflection trick comes into play. This doesn't really help all that much as you still have to deal with one guy as well as the jumping but it may seem a little less stressful. This doesn't seem to work in two player though since I guess the camera just can't get the right angle when it has to deal with two Jedi's

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Guest ChosenOne

I found an easier way to get the 2500 point power-up on level 7 (the ruins). In the walkthrough Wart says to get the checkpoint anf then backtrack two platforms and try a long running jump to the far platform in the corner. This can be pretty risky. I've found it easier to backtrack to the spot where there are two ledges, the top one empty and the bottom one has a randomizer on it (this is just over the spot where the annoying plants live and where there are about 100 kreetles to kill). Jump to the top ledge and you can jump to the next ledge which is just around the corner. This can be a little tricky because you have to jump toward the corner and then jump again past the corner to reach the ledge (if you've made it this far you should be able to make this easily). Now just single jump across ledges until you get to the corner platform with the 2500 pt. powerup. This method definetly takes a little longer but is definetly more reliable that the leap of faith to the platform.


Also there is a free credit which isn't mentioned in the walkthrough. Not far after the 2500 pt power-up, (also on the ruins) before you get to the wall with two exposed ledges with columns (and a few kreetles on the ledges) in the corner there is a "tree" next to a pile of rocks. Jump on this and jump to lower ledge. From here double jump to left pillar and jump across the pillars to the last one. From here double jump straight up to the window frame. The credit is on the ledge to your left. After getting it simply drop to the unseen ledge at 6:00.


Hope these hints help.

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Guest Darth Wart

Thanks. As you doubtless gathered by reading the walkthrough, I consider all suggestions diligently.


I will include yours the next time I do another revision, in about a week.


Please note that the fifth revision of the walkthrough (available at darthwart.tripod.com) includes many of your suggestions, so I'm guessing you're reading the old walkthrough at Jediknight.net. The site's architect has an updated version, but he hasn't bothered to post it yet.






There is a FREE complete online JPB strategy guide (frequently revised) available at:


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Guest Plo Koon is No. 1

I've got one too! (I already told Wart though)


When you're doing hard jumping parts (Tatooine canyon, Coruscant roofs) and you're playing as Plo or Adi, use your item. It will keep your from being shot down, and in Adi's case, reflect lasers. smile.gif

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Guest Weasel

Just thought I should add a correction - the tip on level 6 can be done with two players it just takes some more moving around.


New Tip: This should probably be verified but I believe that in level 6 when you get on the taxi and it takes you to another taxi with a blue guy and a green guy on it - the one that will eventually be destroyed in a crash. you don't actually have to step on the car to let the game continue. It will continue if the blue guy has been killed and you are somewhere near the front of the yellow taxi.

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