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I Need Help Making Hilts With Gmax


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I cant make anything on GMAX im a newb at this and i need a good trainer or someone good to tell me how. I cant transfer files that i Downloaded of the net to gmax for editing purposes. So PLZZZZZZ someone help me im desperate. How do i change a file's type????

Any help would be good.....

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i mean to take someone else model of lightsaber and use it as a stilt or for reference so i know pixel size and how to make things look correctly i dont mean to completly mess somebody elses creation up. anyways i have no clue how to do anything. that means skinning getting it on the game, apsolutly nothing. i have read tutorials but they help me not a bit in the things i need to know. So hopefully u can help me.Because half the things people give tutorials is the gay ass game Q3 wich has nothing to do with these forums anyways

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Well, you can Import the saber like this


Click file- import- go to the JK2 directory- gamedata-base-Models-weapons2-saber and import the saber_w


Use this for size reference.


Your gonna have to tell me WHAT you want done so i can help you.


Im leaving now but ill be back Monday

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