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Upcoming Mod - RPGmod


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I am sure all of you RPG Fans have been waiting for something like this :)


RPGmod is a modification for JK2 based off of Jedi Mod. We plan for it to be a major enhancement for Role-Playing Fans with new emotes, sounds, a very good scaling configuration, and server side controls.


In the first version we plan to include ---


- New Lightsaber Sounds (some may be borrowed)

- New Weapon Sounds

- Lightsabers Will Be More Designed To Fit The Ep2 Style

- Scaling For Most Models Out There

- Scaling For Some Skins Out There

- Special Scaling For Droids, etc.

- Adding A Flashlight. We are positive yet, but we know how.


Sorry, currently I have no screenshots for you, but I can assure this IS NOT bs. We are currently 40% completed and we are hoping to be finished within the next two to three weeks.


Stick around for updates because I should have screen shots which will demonstrate our lightsabers and scaling within the next few days.

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Originally posted by Isaiah43

so, what exactly makes this an rpg mod? will it be a separate playing experience? will it have a separate storyline? will there be leveling up and such? please explain in more detail!:jawa


Its meant to improve performance of RPG games. I think that RPGs right now arent very through and dont have enough features. The game administrators are the only things that support making it fun. Basically there is no difference to an RPG right now than a free for all game because there are no new sounds or anything. No, it will not have a separate storyline. This is not a single player mod. IT IS A MULTIPLAYER MOD :). No leveling up since thats like.. impossible with jk2. Thanks for taking your interest!

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Im no coder but leveling up is impossible with JK2? I thought it would be easy (if you the opposite to me in coding = good at coding)... the first example I can think of would be that everyone joins the game with no force powers... After lets say the first 5 kills you get 1 force points / kill to put in any force you like... then you will get 1 force point for every 2 kills you make for 5 levels after that... meaning that with 15 kills total you will have 10 points... and then the next 5 levels you will get 1 force point for every 3 kills you make... your level would be the number of force points you got...


And it would be cool to implent new skills with a RPG style like this... as example you can have new forces (skills) that are permanent (no activation) that can make your force regenerate faster, your saber damage can get bonus (+25% the first point, +50% damage for lvl2 in the skill, +75% damage on lvl3. All forces should be 3lvls).... Skills with bonus to kicks... I got a lot more ideas like that... And I could surely join a team that would like to make something like that, I can do some maps for the mod and give a lot more ideas like that... and playtesting of course :)


Take Care.

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Yeah, I thought it sounded good too :)

Please tell me if you succeed in doing something like that, because that would truly be awesome to play...

And if you need help with ideas, playtesting, mapping I can be of big help for you.


Got a homepage for the mod so I can see if you have any success with the creation?


Take care

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nope, no homepage... YET :)


im adding the final touches to the mod so it should be released in the next few days.


i got a shot today ( :mad: ) so thats going to halt its release for at least 3 days. in the next version of the mod we plan on merging another mod into rpgmod called the "Fly Mod" (which I have sworn to not to reveal anything about to the community) which will even make the mod better.


mero, if you have anymore ideas like you just gave me i would be happy to look into them :) spill em :)

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Worried about people stealing your ideas? Anyway, you may want to take a look at this thread. I asked for open idea submissions and I've gotten some good responses. But please don't use my Force Dodge / Fatigue idea, I'd like some time to try to impliment it before I "open source" the idea. :D



Razor Ace

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Actually, it is really to bad that this is not going to be for SP. It seems that everything is being geared for MP nowadays, as if everyone has a broadband connection to the internet and can really enjoy a relatively lag-free gaming experience. This is why I haven't bothered with MP games very often.


Here is my vision of a JKII-based SP RPG:


First off: character selection:

Select from varrious character types, not limited to force sensitives. Things like New Republic Soldier, Imperial Stormtrooper, Mercenary, etc.


Secondly, Character type-based missions:

If you selected Imperial Stormtrooper, you would only be presented with missions that would involve action against enemies of the Empire or missions involving imperial-based assignments.


Thirdly, Skill advancement:

Based on how you perform in each mission, you would receive skill rating adjustments in a variety of areas. For example, marksmanship. Have it where when you shoot a blaster, a random "skew" value is calculated based on your marksmanship with that weapon. This will cause the the fired bolt to be off center either up, down, left or right by up to twenty degrees, requiring the player to be closer to the target from the start to be effective.


Fourth on the list is Interaction:

It is not enough for an RPG to allow you to play a particular character type and go on missions suited to that type. There must be the ability to interact with the environment and having that environment respond appropriately to the character type you're playing. For example, an imperial will have access to a wide variety of areas in an imperial base that a rebel would not. A rebel would need a security key to bypass access codes to get into parts of an imperial facility, but an imperial would not. In JK2, when kyle attempts to get into an ATST, he says something like "There's no way I'll be able to get that open". But if you are playing an imperial, then you will have no problem. Just press the use key and you're in the ATST.


And finally, we come to what truly defines a RPG: Story:

For every mission that a player goes on, there needs to be a clear definition of who is there, why the player is going on it, where it takes place, what the goals are, and how those goals may be obtained.


Multiplayer games have a tendency to detract from roleplay, except when all players are true roleplayers. Otherwise you have jedi characters saying things like I Ownd Joo! and other KeWl DoOd 1337 speak garbage


You could have it where doing emotes actually "shoots" a target. In other words, if you face someone and bow, then a "bow" projectile is launched. You won't see it or perceive of any changes, but your target will receive an input that its AI model would check against. For example, if you bow to a protocol droid, it might say something like "I am not worthy" or something.


If you walk into the mos eisley cantina and do a fist emote on a rodian standing around, he may take it as an instigation to a fight and go on the offensive. Those allied to him will also go aggressive.


Also, a tone mode should be implemented:





This will allow a variety of conversational outcomes with NPCs. For example, if you speak disdainfully to a Hutt, he's liable to take a dislike to you and order his henchmen to kill you, whereas if you speak respectfully to him, he may be more apt to share information.


I'd go further, but I am about to go download some JK2 editing resources so that I can begin learning how to do some of the things I want to do.


Nevertheless, I still would like to know your thoughts...

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k mesa needs help.


whenever im ready to release the first release (v0.6) I am worried about filesizes going through my e-mail. hotmail only allows 1mb to go through and geocities is crap.


is there any e-mail service provider that will allow 5mb of file transfer for FREE ??


if there isnt i might have a little bit of trouble releasing this, hehe.

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Originally posted by General_Heat

mero, if you have anymore ideas like you just gave me i would be happy to look into them :) spill em :)


Want more force powers and skills ? I have a hundred new force and skill ideas :) but until you confirm that, I will say that a class-system would be very neat in a RPG mod, lets say you can be a Rebel soldier, stormtrooper, Jedi, Sith for a start.

Stormtroopers(& the rebelsoldiers) "force menu" would not be forces, but skills only most likely... there you can choose skills that gives bonuses to the different weapons (seperated in light, medium & heavy weapons maybe?) that gives bonus to damage, and maybe the hit accuracy would be badder than normal now in the start (not to much do, but it would go a bit random from the crosshair) and will full lvl in a skill the aiming would be perfect on most weapons (the secondary fire on the E-11 would still be a bit random, as example)... and bonus to damage as I said...

You can set a limit that the maximum shielding are 100 for all troopers, but a skill can increase the maximum to 125 with one skillpts, 150 with 2pts, and 200 with lvl3.


this is for the soldierclasses now, the force users would probably only have 25 shields as maximum always...

You can have a first aid skill, you duck and performs some first aid on yourself and slowly recharges health(faster with higher lvl)...


As the jedis & sith's are bound to their lightsaber and forcepowers as only offensive weapon, it would be really hard to level up when you join a game, as opposit to the soldiers that can grab a RL and start leveling... So most probably the weapons you can pick up must be somewhat restricted in the start, you have to have heavy weapon lvl3 to use a rocketlauncher or something like that... the light & medium & heavy skills locks up more weapons the higher level you have... or maybe the RL is pretty much useless because of REALLY bad aim until at least lvl2 heavy weapon skill... With lvl1 skill you can become much slower with a heavier weapon, but with higher skill, you become a bit faster...


What more skills can a soldier get? Turret skill? the turret can be used with lvl1 skill, with more points in it, it can maybe fire faster and last longer, have more HP.


Hitpoints can be bound to level, everyone starts at 50 hp as maximum, and gain more hp per level... the force users can also gain more force... maybe at starting level they can use 2 push or pulls before they run out...


Just spawning ideas, a class-system like this would be really cool, although this is just some ideas, and more skills can be added easily to the soldier class...


Take care

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k mesa needs help.


whenever im ready to release the first release (v0.6) I am worried about filesizes going through my e-mail. hotmail only allows 1mb to go through and geocities is crap.


is there any e-mail service provider that will allow 5mb of file transfer for FREE ??


if there isnt i might have a little bit of trouble releasing this, hehe.


mesa still needs help.

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Originally posted by razorace

Do you mean that you don't want to use your ISP email because you're worried about it getting spammed? Ok, just submit the file to the JK2 D/L sites then. :)


Yes, submit it to a DL site... I don't know any free email services that let you send 5Mb mails... sorry...


Been doing any of the ideas I requested? :)

I think it's hard to implement a level system though....

but you probably are a good coder, unlike me :)

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