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Upcoming Mod - RPGmod


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Funny, I don't remember actually helping with anything....What did I do?

Neverwinter Nights still doesnt work (I know this is the wrong forum and the wrong site to post this on, but hey this is a failure lol) even though I did the """"successful"""" "we garantee your game will work if your using GLDirect and this No-CD Crack and have an SiS Chipset Video Card" which did not work.

Are you using a SiS audio motherboard chip as well? There's a problem with the motherboard audio chips and NWN. The way to fix it is to get the A3D drivers and install them (even thou your card doesn't support them). I don't remember the exact details but that does work. I had to do that with my copy as well. :p If you want details I'll have to ask my brother, he's the one who knew how to fix it. :)
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lol im gonna have to put up cut up guns etc like in the fourth release or something lol....


razorace, you gave me tips (in other words, helped) whenever i was needy, you gave me tips and your getting just a tad of credit, or else... :wstupid:


flick off emote, that would be abusive and give the mod a bad name because some children do play this game online and they know more about computers and the game than you think.

we MAY, although, have a Teenager's Add-On that MIGHT include a flick off emote or something. but right now, if you want a flick off emote, make your own mod.

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one of my concerns is the upcoming exsistance of SWG. much like the hunted mod being postponed because of the bounty hunter star wars game nearing release. i see the possibility for a rpg mod following the starwars universe to also be shut down for the same purpose. so i propose to stray from the sw universe into any alternative. coding and dev wise this doesnt change anything skillgain or lvl based system can be created but having the proposed classes of storm troopers and jedi can not. personally as i have stated before i woudl be more interested in a medieval rpg (i have seen Journey of the dark and i think there project is to large to reach a stged of completion) but ofcourse it is all up to you and a scifi rpg would be coded if not easier anyways.


i see this project as happening, as most projects that start small are the ones that usually make it, as the team doesnt get overwhelmed with the thoughts of how much there is to do. and i would not want to see it brought to a hault because of intelectual property issues.


keep up the good work,


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Originally posted by General_Heat

flick off emote, that would be abusive and give the mod a bad name because some children do play this game online and they know more about computers and the game than you think.

we MAY, although, have a Teenager's Add-On that MIGHT include a flick off emote or something. but right now, if you want a flick off emote, make your own mod.

That and you'd have to put middle fingers on all the models. :)

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keto, i really didnt get what you just said because you used fancy words and sentances and stuffs. are you saying we can or cant finish. i feel ashamed to be working on this project if you said we cant finish.


oh and please no more **** about star wars galaxies in this topic. i have one nerve left. dont blow my last nerve, you dont want to see me mad. im sick of getting posts like "id rather have a single player mod because im a whining dumbass" or "this mod will suck compared to star wars galaxies" or "star wars galaxies will kill this mod" and finally "your mod will never finish" because if i get my last nerve blown, the last quote that i just made is going to occur.


ahem, sorry but i had to show my dark side there :D





ok.... what drivers razorace?! WHAT DRIVERS?! I MUST HAVE THOSE DRIVERS!! in other words, whats the link :)

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Besides, the combat in Galaxies isn't directly controllable. Comparing RPGmod to Galaxies is like comparing Apples and Oranges. Plus, there's little chance that SWG is going to make it's december release date without being incredibly buggy. They haven't even had a public beta yet!

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heh sorry i try to sound more intelligent than i actually am. what i was trying to say is basically a suggestion not to continue with the path of starwars as the theme(which ofcourse is default right now) because i feel that LucasArts might not want some one making an rpg mod using the sw universe when their upcoming rpg involving the sw universe is begining to get buzz.


i completely want this mod to continue and (i know you said no more swg but..) i woudl actually prefer an action rpg like you have mentioned over the mmorpg simply because of player activity. it might be just me but i prefer to actually cut down the ai with a sword/saber rather then double clicking them. what i just said is the possible reason for them NOT wanting a SW based rpg mod to emerge. so i suggested just to change the theme. all the coding and gameplay stays the same (much like bid for power) just with different characters.


i have just about finished a small medieval map, so am now starting to compile what weapons i have made in the past into a JediMod compatable pk3 for saber selection. if the mod takes a medieval path i will be behind you 100% with as much content as i can pump out. ofcourse me prefering fantasy over science fiction this is my suggestion but i would still be extremely happy if the project was still kept in the future. having it be sci-fi also allows the mod to use many more of the maps already made as they woudl fit the theme.


again i coudl be wrong and LucasArts might not try and put a hamper on the mod. it is just purely my concern. and i felt i woudl voice it before it got too indepth with the sw universe (ie: storm troopers, force powers etc.)


i love you, and keep up the good work :)


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Keto, im really not worried about LucasArts haulting this mod. They probably dont even know about it. Hang on, did you say you loved me?!! Keto.. your not.. gay.. are you? LoL thats a good laugh, sorry if that was embarrassing keto, i couldnt help it.


The only way LucasArts is ever going to make me stop this mod is if I get an e-mail from George Lucas himself asking me to discontinue and thats very unlikely.

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call me heat plz :) hmm i do my work, i just have trouble getting it to the classroom. theres 2 different types of detentions in our school, in school detention and after school detention. you get in school if you finish more than 50% of your paper but its still not completely finished. if you get lower than 50% you get after school which is 3:15 to 5:00 and if I get that im grounded as long as i live.

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Originally posted by General_Heat

call me heat plz :) hmm i do my work, i just have trouble getting it to the classroom. theres 2 different types of detentions in our school, in school detention and after school detention. you get in school if you finish more than 50% of your paper but its still not completely finished. if you get lower than 50% you get after school which is 3:15 to 5:00 and if I get that im grounded as long as i live.

You get detention if you don't finish you homework?! Wow! That's a tuff school.

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actually i think the teachers get paid extra for doing it.

last year i had a teacher who would give detention at the drop of a hat. if they do get paid extra heres my chart for her (her name is Ms. Chancellor)


If they pay a quarter per every D-Hall = She'd make 10$ a day


If they pay a dollar per every D-Hall = She'd have enough money

to be president


If they pay five dollars per every D-Hall = She'd be the richest woman and person alive. Even richer than Bill Gates. She'd be rich enough to buy Microsoft.



Whats been cooking lately!



Alright guys, since I like RPG games so much im making an Unofficial Star Wars RPG. No its not online, its only single player and its made with RM2k. If you have any donations like star wars chipsets, character sets, etc please send them to me at bcglheat@hotmail.com . It will be called Star Wars: The Force Is Forever.


Sound cool? Its gonna be cool. Like action? Its gonna have action. Like love? Find another RPG. :jawa:



Whats been up with RPGmod lately!



Young Obi-Wan is working on some special Coolsaberblades for us that are compatable with the mod. We are awaiting his e-mail.

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Anyway, I finally contacted my bro about the NWN problem. According to him, "I deleted the a3d*.* files from the windows system & system32 directories I do belive." I'd be sure to keep backups of those files just in case that doesn't work. :)


Razor Ace

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about your 2d rpg it sounds cool but thats prety much all i have to say about that. i have a lot more to say aout the Upcoming Rpg Mod but am waiting for some needed webspace to upload things. once i have the space ill post a big fatty post :)


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