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Is Maul more challenging in JPB than TPM?

Guest Jedi-soon-to-be

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Guest Jedi-soon-to-be

I'm going to get the game soon and i was wondering if maul was more challenging in JPB than TPM cause when i fought him in TPM and all he kept doing was the same moves over and over so i was wondering if he's much better in JPB.Also when you play 1 player in the game does a computer play with you like in TPM or do you just play by yourself?


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Guest 84Elan

OK here is the real don steal on TPM vs JPB. In TPM all you could do was basically press the swing button and hope you nailed maul in JPB you have the ability to both block at the time you want and exicute different types of combo or swing moves.


Yes the fighting is better. Maul is not a easy foe to fall though. The only thing missing from JPB that was in TPM was the asewsome vibrating I mean in TPM you could hit just about any thing and get a rise out of your controller(and ligth saber ie sparks) but in JPB it only barely moves when you really get hammered. And you can't go off on a wall or any other inanimate object unless you are ment too.


All in all it is a great game dispite all of its problems and no you can not have a CPU jedi in the game with you it is either one player or two.



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Guest 84Elan

Any time.. If you need any help when you get the game and can not get any here feel free to e-mail me I will help if I can. May the force be with you.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I think Darth Maul is a lot harder in JPB than in TPM, and it's a lot more fun fighting him

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