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Sound=Low FPS

Spore Cloud

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Ok, first of all I will admit something, I HAD a pirited version of JediKnight II, BUT I liked the game so much I bought it. I had no problems in the pirited version, but with this full version that I also updated I am having a serious problem, if I enable sound in game, everytime a weapon is fired or used the frame rates skip, it will be at a happy 60fps, then when I fire a shot it will go straight to 0 and then when the shot sound is done playing it will go back up to 60 again. I have tried all the sound settings like disable EAX, use LQ sound but it isint working, here are my system specs


AMD Athlon 1.1GHZ


Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum

Xtasy GeForce 4 TI 4600


All of the drivers have been updated, I figure that this problem must have happend after a patch or something because the Pirited version I had was of course unpatched. Anyone have any ideas? I would love to play multi player but if anyone uses anything like a blaster I will seriously lag out.

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