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Is there gonna be new patch?

BoBa feTTichiNi

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Is there gonna be a new patch? I mean everything is teadious and boring now. The only thing that is fun is nf duels yet those are getting boring too. If you know if jk2 is gonna get a patch soon tell me. This sucks man all my friends are leaving because of this stupid patch. We might as well not play with light sabers anymore how about a "nerf bat.":fett:

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If they do actually make another patch, this is what I want to see:


Make all styles the same speed and the same damage(lethal) or use Fatalstrikes idea about special moves taking some force power and still increase the damage.


Fix the dedicated server's crash problems(server command overflow), this one is big with me. I would be happy if they would just fix this as I run a mod anyway. There's a couple of other bugs in the server I would like to see fixed, but this is the main one. I'm tired of them only focusing on the client side stuff, time to put some effort into the servers.


Other than those things, I don't want to see another patch.

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