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Really good concept for a mp map


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Ok I have this idea for a map. It would be very similar to the cantina but with much more indoor areas (i.e. Droid shops, Bars, Weapons shops, restaurants, trading posts, police stations, etc...). I just got off of playin around in the cantina and me and about 10 people were pretending to work the bar and i must say it was a heck of a lot of fun. I know the demand for a level like this is definitely there, so if someone were to make it, it would be well worth the effort. Its sort of like a role-playing level, so its should be just for free for all.


If anyone is interested, please reply!!!



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I'm currently creating a map that has features similar to what you describe. The only real difference is that my map will be on set on a planet distant from the ones seen in Star Wars. I'm hoping to make it a large RPG map that everyone will enjoy even players that don't really like RPG that much. You can look at some screenshots I took at http://www.geocities.com/t2_armor_core/Vanca.html

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