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Can anyone make a map for my clan? I would like


* A docking bay with ships.

* Theres a bunch of platforms. and when you jump up too the top, you find a wall that says SWM Clan. Next to the wall is a rocket launcher.

* Once you leave the docking bay, theres a big bridge that leads to a little island of grass. On the bridge is a Distruptor (Sniper Rifle ) and on the island is a Ion Blaster (DEMP 2).

* Theres another bridge. On it is a GolandArms gun. Continue and you get to another island, a little bigger. On it is a tree which you can Force jump on. On the tree are thermals.

Once again theres another bridge. On it are Denotation packs and Trip mines.

* The next Island has a little building. It has a bowcaster. If you go up the stairs, theres a window which you can view all the stuff you went past (Briges, Docking Bay etc. )


Thats all for now. Please post if you could do this for my clan.


Thank you!



P.S., I fyou would like to join my clan, sign up at http://swmclan.suddenlaunch.com/ its a RPG. :):ewok:

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I cant say for shure but I dont think your chances are great.

Getting answers to questions can be hard enough, nevermind getting people

to DO things for you. Mapping is a LOT of work. Most people would rather spend

that time giving form to their own ideas.

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Joben, getting an answer to a question is not hard.


But when the question is:


"how do I make a map"




"My compiler doesn't work"




"Why does JKRAD not work"


people do not reply. And have no obligation to.


As for these: make me a map posts


People just laugh.


I laughed when I read your reply--oh, I did not know it was that hard--


Mapping is time consuming.




I will put in ONE weekend for you making your clan map.


In that weekend I can get the chasiss done for sure--and maybe add the engine.


However--I will ONLY do this is you give me a floorplan.


Draw one by hand and scan it in


Or make one on the comp


either way--if you come up with one by August 9th send it to me:






BTW---I am just doing this for kicks--so don't expect me to put my 110% best efforts.

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Hey what do you know...ppl rushed to prove me wrong.

I sorta thought that would happen :) Humans are kinda predictable :p


Karshaddii I have seen many a simple and specific question go totaly unanswered.

And i have almost never seen the "I have an idea for a map, will someone make it?" posts get people actualy willing to do the work.


oh btw I know you got some offers now but for referance a good set of maping turotials can be found here

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An addition, please:


Also in the docking bay, is a Reaper rifle... ( uh,... the one that shoots metalic bolts and has a concussion rifle on it... I forgot the exact name........ )


BTW, I'm working on the pics....... But... they are really, really bad. :(

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Dude, I suck at drawing too--but seriously--how hard is it to make a room using graph paper and a ruler---


Place ruler on paper--and drag pen across ruler--GOOD JOB!!!


You just made a wall....now make a few more.



And Joben--we try our hardest to help everyone out around here.


And Zbomber has been bugging everyone for a map--so I am going to make him one.


See....I am helping...people like to help--it's in their nature....


And yes, Z--I am more happy to help you.




= )


kidding, kidding....

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Originally posted by Karshaddii

And Joben--we try our hardest to help everyone out around here.


And Zbomber has been bugging everyone for a map--so I am going to make him one.


See....I am helping...people like to help--it's in their nature....


And yes, Z--I am more happy to help you.


I wasnt realy trying to insult the population of these forums...i was just speaking generaly. Not everyone is willing or able to do work for other people. Thats all i realy ment.

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