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cairn docking area-last area-


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I am in very last room of cairn docking where I turn off lights and jump down to go through door and get officers before they can warn security..well for petes sake this I think is one of the hardest areas in whole game so far nearly..I've tried everything I can think of to 'get past' these suckers even got so frustrated once to 'npc kill all'..which was a bad idea cuz level end cut scene did not display at all ..rofl..


..I've tried various weapons mainly #6 to kill officers..the trouble is getting past the first two troopers is a major pain because it slows me down to get to officers before they call security...I can easily get first two officers 'after' troopers but not the ones in the back of the room..


thx anyone



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Originally posted by neighbor



I am in very last room of cairn docking where I turn off lights and jump down to go through door and get officers before they can warn security..well for petes sake this I think is one of the hardest areas in whole game so far nearly..I've tried everything I can think of to 'get past' these suckers even got so frustrated once to 'npc kill all'..which was a bad idea cuz level end cut scene did not display at all ..rofl..


..I've tried various weapons mainly #6 to kill officers..the trouble is getting past the first two troopers is a major pain because it slows me down to get to officers before they call security...I can easily get first two officers 'after' troopers but not the ones in the back of the room..


thx anyone





never mind on this one :))..I read initiallly a few walkthroughs before posting for help but after reading a few that seemed insightful it became clear it was next to impossible to do this 'fast enough' at least while still engaged in a 'fun mode'..I'm not going to the 'other side' of this equation nuff said <G>....so I turned off lights and used night goggles..'then' I did mindtrick jumped down..did mindtrick again but this time I used F3 for forcespeed and made it this time...I also had to use forcespeed to get through next level and I was in like flynn ;)....


I love this game but some of the puzzles ( although we need realism and complication to avoid boredom/simplicity ) are overdone in complexity taking away from the enjoyment factor so maybe slightly better beta input would have been helpful.





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Don't kill them..even if your thirst for blood rises...DON't SLAUGHTER!! You actually don't even need Mind trick on this one...just close the lights, jump down, and crawl over ot the door....it is as simple as that...and if you can't make it without mind trick, I guess I got a good version of JK2 :p

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Originally posted by Hanch Saode

Don't kill them..even if your thirst for blood rises...DON't SLAUGHTER!! You actually don't even need Mind trick on this one...just close the lights, jump down, and crawl over ot the door....it is as simple as that...and if you can't make it without mind trick, I guess I got a good version of JK2 :p



'both' walkthroughs I found:






I guess my point here is overwhelmingly it seems the above links are the way 'most' people did it thus how I found out and what I did as well .......


anyway those links said one needed to use the mindtrick making sure to do all these things 'quickly' and I'll tell you why right now..if you 'don't use mindtrick then 'as soon as' you go to the edge and drop down 'they detect you' and you are scum bag detected like immediatley if not sooner..unless apparantly as you say that you crawl ? off ledge then they don't attack is that right??


in fairness to your post I did find one that mentioned 'crawl off ledge'..initially it didn't strike me they meant that literally but apparantly so..why couldn't they have 'said so' most walkthroughs usually make a point to spell out certain requirements and since no other levels have us 'crawling off anything' it should have been spelled out better...here is URL




......anyway darn I can't go back and test your theory of 'crawling' to not be detected so maybe someone else willl chime in for verification...





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  • 3 weeks later...

Having flipped off the lights, I then put light amp goggles on, walked to the end of the platform (the end furthest from the intruder alert console), dropped down, waited a moment then walked around the enemies down the 'left side' of the room and entered the door...

Took me about 20 mins to figure this out. I was trying the force speed option to begin with but had no success with it...

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