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New Star Wars releases

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

My local Electronic Boutique game me a release date of Nov 1 00 for PC Obi-Wan. Can anybody confirm this?


Also, when is the projected release date for Demolition for PSX? Anybody know?


Finally, what is the next big LucasArts gaming release after these two?






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Guest Qui-Gon Jeff

I habe no info on any of these subjects so I feel as though I'm taking up space but I know when Obi-Wan comes out I'm getting it.



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Guest Dave Maul

Yeah, "Starfighter" and "Super Bombad Racing".


Does anybody know if any other LucasArts games are coming out for PS2 in the future, like Indy or Obi-Wan?




Dave Maul

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Guest Weasel

I just did a quick look-up on amazon.com which indicates a date of November 15, 2000 (for Obi-Wan). Being that this is a mail-order company it is probably safe to assume their release date is later than the one given by your local store (though not always the case).

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Starfighter will be a release game for PS2 and Bomb bad racing will be out in 2001. As for more PS2 games there are some rumors going around that would bring Obi Wan to PS2. We can only hope right? Demo should be out in Nov like said above late Nov I think.



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Speaking of Demolition...

Isn't anyone interested in that game? Since I've been coming here, only 3 people have posted on that forum: M1keMaul, Dave Maul, and myself, and that all on 1 thread!

On a related note, on the list of the message boards (the one with the R2 units on it) why do some forums show that they have posts on them when they don't? Take the Hardware Center for example. The list shows that it has 25 topics and 155 posts. Currently, it has 0 of both. Are those "all-time" figures? Of course, Garindian fixed the "problem" of certain forums having no posts with his "New Code Found!" blitz.



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Guest Dave Maul

What does everybody have against Demolition? The game isn't due out for 3 more months, and so far most of the topics on the forum are bad-mouthing it! Topics that come to mind are "Bad" and "This Game Will SUCK!".


I personally cannot wait for the game. It looks really good, and I'm looking forward to racing against a friend. My only problem is that (to my knowledge) there are only 4 characters to play as. Does anybody know of any secret unlockable characters or levels?




Dave Maul

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I think that "Starfighter" for PS2 is gonna be the best SW game to come out on, second only to Obi Wan for PC, but for SW on PS2 Starfighter is definately gonna rock!

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Dave I undersatnd your point but after playing JPB and the other EP1 games it just seems like a lame attempt at selling games. I myself am not a big twisted metal fan so this game is not all that apealing to me.


Plus too with all of the SW movies and lore out there they have to come up with this? I mean there as been a big gap in console SW games at least for the new systems. 64, PS now DC and PS2. Lucasarts there for a while seemed to make SW games for PC only now they are starting to cut loose with some console games but there is so much SW and so little games. Where is the EPSB for PS or 64? I mean Luke vs Vader is the all time SW battle right? Obi Wan looks great but what happened to the rest of the SW cast it is all EP1 now. Obi Wan is for the PC too hopefully the PS2 is rumors are right but still do you see my point?



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Guest the13thJedi

Obi-Wan won't come out for PS2... not anytime before at least 2nd Qtr. 2001. Starfighter looks to be the first game to be released after JPB DC... And let me tell you, Starfighter looks damn good. (thinks Rogue Squadron PS2/Ep1 style)

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I agree with Ben_Kenobi. I'd like a decent adventure game featuring the cast of Episodes IV-VI.(Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Lando, Wedge.) I'd like it if it was set up similar to MediEvil and Legacy of Kain. What I mean by that is you view your character from behind, and can change the camera angle when and where you want.(At least most of the time where you want) Or better yet, set up like Metal Gear Solid, except being able to jump. You'd start out with a weapon of choice, IE Luke's saber, Han's blaster, Chewie's bowcaster. As you advanced in the game, you'd be able to pick up weapons and be able to select them easily by hitting "select". And everything would be accurate. Luke would be able to last longer with more damage due to the Force, Han and Chewie would be able to shoot more accuratly than Luke. And no blocking of lightsaber blades!!!. That is unless the opponent happens to have a cortosis shield handy.






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[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited July 12, 2000).]

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Guest jedihorn1

I agree Kanigget. Heck just doing another version of JPB starring Luke but done in the style of MGS would be cool. Ep1 is getting old and worn out.




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Guest Jedi Kenobi

I know. I think every aspect of the old movies were better except graphics, and the saber fight. I mean in the old ones it was a big galactic conflict. There was a big evil Empire that was so bad. Then in Episode 1 it was a Trade[/n] Federation, a Trade Federation that is attacking a small middle-outer rim planet because of high taxes. Not the most exciting storyline, and where the hell did they get their army of droids? I bet they just bought them. And why does a trade group have Sith Lords helping them? That seems very strange, doesn't it? Then C-3PO is built by Anakin on Tattooine, but in ANH he doesn't even recognize the planet. I don't really like the story, but I still think the saber fight between Maul Obi and Qui was cool as hell, but there are faults in that too. One of the strangest things I noticed is when Obi-Wan kills Maul. Maul clearly has his lightsaber on when he's looking down at Obi, but when Obi strikes him it is clearly off, then when the screen goes out it is on again, then when he falls it turns off. I know that when a jedi dies their lightsaber turns off for some reason, but why the on/off so many times? Watch your tape and see that. Bye all.




I really need to shrink this picture.

Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kenobi (edited July 12, 2000).]

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This post has nothing to do with JPB or any of the new Star Wars games, BTW.

Jedi Kenobi's post reminded me of something I noticed while watching ESB yesterday. Remember the Wampa ice cave scene? Well, after Luke cuts himself free of the ceiling and cuts off the monster's arm, you can hear the sound of his lightsaber switching off, but it doesn't turn off! However, it is off when Luke exits the ice cave.

Just thought I'd post this.





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Guest Dave Maul

Then C-3PO is built by Anakin on Tattooine, but in ANH he doesn't even recognize the planet


This is because droids go through many 'memory wipes'. Owen mentions wiping R2's memory in ANH.


I would like to see a game with all the funtions you guys have listed. Hopefully, the PS2 will answer our prayers.


If you don't like Demolition, then fine. That's your own, personal opinion, and I'm not trying to change it.




Dave Maul

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Guest Garindan

i think the best game will be battle for naboo since i only got a n64 and my computer would automatically activate the self-destruct mode if obi-wan would be put on it. Starfighter looks like a neat one, but since i like rogue squadron and thought racer was cool, i'm hoping Battle for Naboo will equal the coolness of both the games put together. smile.gif

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

I feel your pain of only having a 64 and a slow as computer. My PC is good for Word and thats it maybe Dark Forces but thats it.


I used ot have a 64 but really wanted to play SW games other than Racer and RS they are great games do not get me wrong but SOTE really kinda sucked. The PS2 looks like the best hope for great SW games out side the PC arena. I simply can not save up like a grand to buy a sweet PC I can get 300 bucks though.



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