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Help me with Sking...o please help...


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yea yea..i know this is the WRONG FORUM but...i come here more then any where else..lol


and i was wondering if there is any one here that could tolerate me enough to just help me out with it...i want to make a skin of my clans character...but i dont know how and im too stupid to figure it out...and i dont wanna ask one of them ...*glares* cuz...yeah...


so just contact me (for the love of everything holy) contact me....



AIM: j0shios

MSNM: j0shy23@hotmail.com (ill show up as F.o.r.g.o.t.t.e.n)

YIM: j0shios

Email: j0shy23@hotmail.com


thanx for any help you give me...and dont flame me for the wrong forum thing...:)

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