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To the creators of that JPB strategy guide (Darth Wart) (answers to questions)


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I'll begin with that you don't have to beat the gungan round up everytime you want to see the concept arts. By the way, let the computer win, you can get the concept art that way (werid huh). After you beat it, you'll have to save the game. In other words complete a level and save. By the way, it's not your imagination that amidala jumps shorter than the jedi(Panaka too), try it in the 1st level after you defeat the mini boss. In the room with the lightning thingies and damaing floor. Try running on the running floor to the other side of the room and try to jump over that platform. See you can't! Only jedis can! Also to see if you are playing the game in jedi mode or easy mode while in the middle of the game. You can't! I remember while playing on easy mode that the droid move and fire at the same time, some time even crouching and fire. Next, about that you die and it's safe but they don't appear. Well apparently there are set places that they can only reappear at. Also about the defense bonus, haven't you ever played an rpg? I thought everyone knew what that was.


Now about that bogus hintline thing you did. Let me begin by saying THAT LADY DOESN'T KNOW SH*T ABOUT THE GAME(she's just a low pay working lady)(by the way did you really call her honey?). Althought you might know some stuff)! You could see it yourself by reading it again. Notice how she doesn't know some basic stuff. Beside I swear on jedi mode the droids seem to be able to take more damamge on the first two levels (the square and x button that is. since the triangle button does the same damage). Also I remember in Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine when they were reviewing a game called Spec Ops, a reviewer got so mad at the game difficulty that he called the hint line. You know what? They just gave stupid answers like that lady did! Look at how that lady keep on saying "oops, sorry" etc. another thing, remember at how you said, that you can't beat Maul with Plo and she said that she used thermal detonators and force powers? Plo doesn't have thermal detonators! I know I'm being hard on her buts there's too many mistakes (however she did give that useful tip with shooting at an angle against the first boss with Amidala.) Well anyway on with the last stuff.


You can kill on the droids on the bacony with the large bazookas with qui gon's or Obi Wan's Force + X.


Thank you for reading. Well guess we learn a valuable lesson from this don't we? Never call those hint lines! Not only do they ripp you off but they know nothing. Try reading a magazine strategy guide or buy the official guide. Or ask people on message boards like this one.

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Guest Darth Wart

Thank you for your comments; I will try to incorporate your suggestions as far as I can.


I do still have some objections to what you say, though, Cloud. Politely, here are my objections:


1. I maintain that it is NOT possible to kill all the droids in the "New Orleans" section of Level Three. Sure, there are a few things you can do to kill the first few droids up there (e.g. you can climb up to the opposing balcony and shoot them, you can use Mace's saber throw, you can use Qui or Obi's long-range force, etc.), but once you get to the part about where the droidekas are, you cannot kill the remainder of the droids.


The reason for this, simply, is that there ARE no droids. The program is just shooting cannonballs at you from nowhere, not from any killable droid. Ergo you can quiet a large portion of this section, but you cannot quell it entirely, even with Qui and Obi's technique.


At least this is what I currently believe. As always, the board is invited to prove otherwise.


2. Respectfully, I do not agree that the droids "move and fire" at the same time on Jedi mode, but not on Easy mode. I have carefully observed this and believe there is NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER between the two modes; they crouch and fire, and move and fire simultaneously on both modes. (Although to be fair that's not precisely what you wrote; I imagine it's what you meant, though.)


Again, your arguments to the contrary are welcome.


3. Finally, I don't concur that you can open up the concept art by "letting the computer win." I still aver that you must win at least three goals, not necessarily beat the computer. If you lost to the computer but you still managed to score three points, that section will be unlocked. That may be what happened to you...? Try it. Start a NEW game, let the computer kick your ass, and find out if you get that section.


4. There is, however, no objection to the fact that the hint-line operators are dorks.


Yet I welcome any criticism. Be sure, though, that you are reading the latest version of the guide, always available by clicking the link in my or Kanigget's signature. Don't touch the version that appears in Jediknight.net; it was written during the Nixon administration.


(I am relieved you hold out the possiblity that I might "know some stuff" about the game.)








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No what I meant by the difference between easy or hard is that the droids in the first two levels only seem to do more damamge and take more damamge on jedi mode. Maybe that's just me though. I'm positive however that you can open up the concept art by letting the computer win. That is how I got the concept art of course. Just let the computer score 3 points (beside it's almost impossible to win that game). Lastly about level 3(New Orleans), I thought you meant that you couldn't kill any droids because I already know that it is impossible to kill the other droids that shoot the cannons.

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Guest 84Elan

I have never scored 3 hits on the Gungan round up but have opened and looked at the concept art. I do not understand it but it was cool to get it with out having to keep trying to beat that infernal level. Some good shots in the CA and some flat out funny pics too.

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