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Quake 3 floor lights


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Since Imperial Brewery is having more of an Industrial theme than standard Jedi stuff, I thought of adding those Malibu

( outdoor) type lights from quake 3.

My question is, Do i use them with the light entity or do I use them with that other light configuration that i can't remember right now...the one with INfo_Null as the target area ??

i'd like a dim walkway effect....

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Spotlights are just targeted light entities. All you have to do to make them is place a light entity (obviously close to the light source), and then place an info_null around the area you want the light to shine.. then, making sure nothing is selected (just hit esc), select the light, then the info_null, and hit ctrl+k to connect them. BAM. Spotlight. Test out that effect to see if it's what you're after.

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