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Performance Please Comment - Single Player


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I recently bought JK2. I have a really great machine, and after running the timedemo benchmark to which I received 103 FPS. Anyway I was playing the single player game, I finally passed the first mission\level to which I was receiving 166-200 FPS (at least that is what cg_draw FPS0 was reporting.


But when I got to the second mission (outdoors-surrounded by rocks) everything slowed down to 40-60 (and subsequently felt slow). and then went up to 85..I wanted to know if this was normal and if other people were experiencing this and what I can do (or need to do) to improve performance in outdoor texture heavy areas.


My specs are the following:


Asus P4B533

Geforce 4 TI 4400

P4 2.0A GHZ

512 MB DDR



Settings are high detail with VSYNC turned off - 1024x768


Thanks in advance for advice and help:fett:

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