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Tutorial: Modeling Tools


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Id just thought I would post this up so all those new to JKII modeling will have some idea after reading this. This is to help stop the forums getting clogged up with the same old question so maybe it will be made a sticky. Its a good thing to know what things do before you try them, remember that. This tutorial is no way the key to success, but rather a pointer in the right direction.


First I will start off with Milkshape3D, since this is the program most people new to modeling will find first.

Milkshape3D is more of a mesh editing program. The mesh is the wireframe of your character, which gives you the general look. You can use Milkshape3D for making your mesh (Also UVWMAP and textures), but when you need to import the root.xsi and weight your mesh to the bones this is were Milkshape3D will let you down.

What about the GHOUL.GLM importer? Well all it can do is import im afraid. It would be more useful for someone wanting to steal a model from JKII, wanting to place it into a different game such as Q3, UT, HL etc...


3DsMAX is basically the only program that you can export your work into the compiler with. Raven have only made an .XSI exporter for 3dsmax and nothing else meaning somewhere down the line your gonna need 3dsMAX no matter what. 3dsMAX is capable of building the whole model but it is very expensive to buy. If you have a fast connection try Kazaa for it.

*You can only weight the root.XSI to your mesh with 3dsMAX, nothing else*


Maya is a program I have never used but know that it is capable of many things. Again I THINK your only limited to making the mesh as Raven have not supported Maya with an .XSI exporter. This program is again not cheap but cheaper than 3dsMAX.


GMAX is also another program I havent yet used, but I have heard it is like a light version of 3dsMAX and is also FREE! Again not supported by Ravens .XSI Exporter, learning to use it could help you for when you eventually get your grubby hands on 3dsMAX.



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I myself use G-Max and it is fantastic. Besides the fact that is ABSOLUTLY free, its a great learning program which is loosly based off of 3d Studio Max. So if the time comes when your not a 15 year old student who cant afford $3000 and have enough dignity to not try to download a Warez version :D, g-max is a great step in program


But SOME people were having troubles with the registration of G-Max but the people at the forums will help people out.

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Originally posted by bleek

Grrrr I'm too poor for a real modeling program besides the free GMax. Is there any way to create a model in GMax then give it to someone with 3DsMax so they can make it useable ingame?


Yeah you can do any mesh making with all of the above programs mentioned, its just exporting that you will need 3dsMAX for. Some modelers use Milkshape (or any other program) for the mesh (Like I did for the Royal Guard Head) and then import it into 3dsMAX when you want to put it into the game. Unfortunatley, you will have to find someone with enough time to weight the bones for you , since that must be done before you can export into XSI format. That not many people will do for you as it takes alot of time.

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Originally posted by Pusskyfly

I was wondering ...ive got an idea but what is this weighting and what does it involve...as you can tell im new here


When you make your mesh you have to weight it to the bones vertex by vertex. This means when the animation files move the skeletons leg in-game the mesh around the leg bone will move accordingly.

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