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Sirian Skin has made to 0.9v


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Finaly made skin to point that only minor tweaks are needed.

One reason taken so long is my computer "meltdown". Had to reinstall all software. Luckily nothing did vanish.


Few words about this skin. It uses heavily shaders. So far only tested with my computer how it runs with in bot matches.

With my computer it runs as good with shaders on or off. Perhaps should mention that EVERY surface has shader. Mostly specular maps. And no. I havent got GF3 or GF4. Simple 1.4 Athlon with GTS. But could be that there is memory issue with all those spec maps. And i have only tested with 768MB.



And small list things i need to do:


-Team colors

-Some tweaks to specular maps

-Some tweaks to texture boundaries

-Fix Bot as it doesnt use any force power or saber styles at any

skilllevel. Only saber style it uses is blue


Lastly update link for one screenshot



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