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The JK2 Story Makes No Sense! *spoilers*

Xavier j.p JAS

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Jerec and those other dorks are nothing to desann, someone who can really handle a lightsaber, adn has real force powers, not shooting orange enregy balls, with a blindfold.



You gotta be joking me. You forgot the part how many hits it takes to kill Jerec, roughy 20 if he doesn't regenerate for to long. I think Desann has the same amount of hitpoints as Yun. It's kinda pitiful for a final boss. Now I believe the only reason Jerec has crap swordplay is because LA used a crappy system to make JK1 [by today standards its crap] where they couldn't create lungs, have a variety of different fighting styles or make different techiques. But Jerec is much more powerful than Desann in my opinion. And you forgot Jerec's jump lightning finishing move.

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Btw, the reason I figure the web page summury doesn't quite jibe with the games isn't because of some canon contradiction (somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't read about Kyle Katarn in any EU books other than the three that were written for the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight trilogy of slim novels) but rather because they wanted to quickly write up something when JK2 had just come out. They haphazardly and sloppily tried to mesh the press report-quality plot synopsis of JK2 into the already established DF/JK1/MotS storylines in their character sections.


I wouldn't worry too much about it. If anything's "wrong" its the page, not the games. The blue lightsaber thing is goofy, but you could explain it away if you wanted to, by making up your own reason.


I agree, in terms of difficulty and power, Jerec beats Desann hands down. The only reason he might seem harder is because he's a better saberist, but then that's because of the system changing between games. ALL of the saber users in JK2 (AI) are cooler and more varied than the ones in JK1, but arguably they are easier to kill because of the simple fact that their hit points tend to be lower and you can use super combos on them constantly. ; )


Didn't Kyle use a red saber at the ending battle of MOTS? If so, it's possible that he abandoned both sabers during/after MOTS (maybe due to a Dark Side/Light Side taint on the sabers.)


Also, wouldn't Kyle's highest "true" full Force power be at the ending battle of JK1? At that point he hadn't been influenced by the Valley yet.


According to one or two people I've talked to, Kyle has a red saber when you fight him at the end of MotS, even though he has an orange saber up to that point. However, when I played the game was being buggy, so he had NO SABER BLADE whatsoever. In the cutscene it shows him with an orange one. Also somebody once showed me some (albeit low res) screenshots (which I no longer have) that showed him with a proper blade in the final battle and I swear it was orange. I'd have to beat the game again (and hope it was correct that time) to be sure. It's a bit of a logical inconsistency if it IS red, but one person explained that it was just a programming shortcut (since the model for the Dark Jedi used the same saber color).


As to the "Valley made him more powerful" explanation, no that's the point. See the closer he gets to the Valley, the more powerful he gets. His force increases exponentially. So we're either to assume that Jerec is more attuned to the Jedi Spirits (hence he's stronger) or he was much stronger TO BEGIN WITH (and he's been trained longer/better than Kyle, obviously). In the books its implied that stronger spirits can control YOU if you're not strong enough, and that good/bad spirits can be enslaved (which is what Jerec tried to do) rather than coaxed to help (like Kyle apparently did). Once Kyle is IN the Valley itself, he's going to be super duper strong, since if Jerec could really command all of the spirits, he'd be a god (pretty much).

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Isn’t the valley of the Jedi like some ancient burial place, I fail to see how simply releasing the spirits would render it useless, the cutscene never implies that the spirits left, but that Jerec joined the other Jedi spirits after he was killed.


Why would Morgan Katarn give his life to protect the valley if it could be so easily rendered powerless?


Also, while Kyle had an orange saber all throughout MOTS (even in the last level) I think the majority of the JK1 community has concluded that this is still Yun’s lightsaber. Perhaps Kyle reconfigured the crystals or something to emit an orange blade instead of a yellow blade. I don’t know. I still can’t figure out exactly when he would have had time to build his JK2 lightsaber however; I assume that after leaving the Sith Temple he renounced all his Jedi powers immediately, so I don’t see where he found the time to build a new one. Perhaps he was working on one while teaching Mara Jade, and Luke finished it for him.


Either way, there had to be a new saber in JK2, it couldn’t be Rahn’s, because it was destroyed, and (as cool as Yun’s saber is) Yun’s saber really had to go, it was a Dark Jedi’s saber. Perhaps the blue JK2 saber is Morgan’s saber that Kyle later found in his father's workshop...


But IMHO, the JK2 story matches really well with JK1 and MOTS, outside sources don’t count. :deathii:

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