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Battle of Hoth


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Well i have a thing that will let me add snow or rain but it only works for SP any ideas or ways to get it into MP or and programs anyone knows of?


No there is not ... Weather effects are only for SP...




Btw, WIP threads should include screenshots of your level...

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As far as animated skyboxes go, I can think of only two ways to do it - 1. Would be to use a shader like water where the picture just kinda moves over the surface of the skybox 2. would be to use func_rotate to make the whole skybox rotate around your level.

I know it's not really the effect any of us want but as far as I know that's it until the Doom 3 engine comes out.




P.S. For Outdoor area with Walkers and trench. Try setting up a 'shooter' (Like in the death star MP map) so that the walker instantly shoots (And kills) anyone who tries too far beyond the boundary of the trench. (I think this is possible - or just a sound effect and a trugger_hurt if it's not)


Just a thought.

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Great i go away for 2 days and i get tons of suggestions thx guys and or as far as no pictures of course no pictures it hasent started yet im waiting for a guy helping me on this project to get back for vacation... as soon as he gets back well be starting to compose the level and put it together but for now its not out thats why im trying to get suggestions for this map so we dont have to go back and edit every thing over again keep those suggestions coming in and if you download the at at prefab from jedioutcastmaps.com and put it in your data/base folder and type devmap atat in under console i think thats the sky map i would like to try and use ... you get me now remember keep comments and suggestions coming in!!!!

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