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Lord of The Rings Models????


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Hey all.


To clarify concerning http://jitd.fragland.net/ . . . Journey Into The Dark is NOT a TC for the Fellowship of the Ring, nor The Hobbit. We're looking into a TC which alludes to (or hopefully MIRRORS :) ) elements of The Silmarillion.


JRR Tolkien wrote The Silmarillion as well, which is like a history book of middle Earth, from the creation of the Ainur in the beginning by Iluvatar; the creation of Arda (a.k.a. Middle Earth) via the Song of the Ainur; the plague of Melkor (and his servant Sauron); the coming of the Dwarves (by Aule), the Elves ("the Firstborn"), and Man ("the Followers"); . . . . up to the Beginning of the Third Age of Middle Earth. .. ..


The events of The Hobbit (and it's sequel trilogy, The Lord of the Rings) take place at the END of the Third Age of Middle Earth, generations AFTER the Silmarillion, though SOME characters in the LOTR existed during those Ages long past (i.e. Elrond, Galadriel, Sauron, Olorin (Gandalf), Curufin (Saruman), The Lord of the Eagles, the Balrogs, etc.).



I've started another WIP - this time an elven warrior:



(I've posted the pics the "Tolkien-ish she-elf" thread as well: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=763054#post763054 )



BTW, Yeah, let's have this a "flame-free" thread. :)


Kman, tell us more about "Belgariad" :)

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Ok, Mr. Frumpus.......You model is looking UP, Here is just a couple of things i have noticed. His mouth goes downward....If looks like he is getting ready to kiss someone in your model. I can't quite place it, but the ears, just seem funny. Oh and the ForeHead, Make it a little bit longer. Other than that, it looks fantastic.

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how can the silmarillion be understood ive read it twice and barely get the main parts


Use the glossary it comes with to understand some parts after you read it. It helps with some of the stuff. I only used the glossary a little bit to understand some of those extremely-hard-to-understand parts of it. I had to figure out the rest on my own by just reading it twice.


If that fails, then I would suggest reading it very, very slowly to understand. I understand how it can tend to get boring and tiring after a little while but this technique should definately allow you to understand the whole story. :)

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omg i just read this thread for the first time..omg lol..this thread is hilarious...with Vampire D hunter freaking out like a retard and Smood being an ******* to and all the other **** thats going on


omfg this thread is hilarious...omg lol..thankx guys i needed a laugh


o well..just shows what this community has dropped down to...guess im going to look for another game to model for...LOL omg i love this thread its so funny =OD

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omg i just read this thread for the first time..omg lol..this thread is hilarious...with Vampire D hunter freaking out like a retard and Smood being an ******* to and all the other **** thats going on


Well Plo Koon you yourself are pretty much a retard for making a useless stupid post like you do on mostly everything. ;)


In fact, I don't see why you find this thread to be hillarious. You are the one freaking out like a retard. You make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Go to hell you little piece of sh!t. ;)


And I'm glad you're going to look for another game to model in. Good riddens to your sorry pathetic ass. :D

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Originally posted by trowa500

... how can the silmarillion be understood ive read it twice and barely get the main parts


Hmm. I've read The Silmarillion thoroughly ONCE a couple months ago. Yeah, it's more like a history book than a novel (unlike the Hobbit or LOTR). With all the different characters through the millenia, I had to do quite a bit of cross-referencing as I went along.


However, just this last winter I bought a bunch of Tolkien's work: The Hobbit Gift pack, The Hobbit, a boxed set of LOTR, The Silmarillion, and Unfinished Tales. Cross-referencing appendices/maps/indexes between all of these REALLY can give a good understanding of the world of Ea (a.k.a. Arda, a.k.a. MiddleEarth). I enjoyed it (and am still working through Unfinished Tales).


In my edition of The Silmarillion (the new Harper Collins black paperbacks), a 1951 letter by J.R.R. Tolkien to his friend (Milton Waldman) gives a GREAT summary/abstract of Tolkien's whole. . . "fantasy universe", from < Creation .. . to the defeat of Sauron > - spanning several millenia (perhaps more). Reading that helped more than anything to get things into perspective.


With Journey Into The Dark, I think we'll be picking an excerpt of The Silmarillion history to focus on, and expand that "era". (I'm not sure - you'd have to ask the guy(s) in charge of Storyline).

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HAHAHAHAHA OMG ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! omg i just read this thread for the first time..omg lol..this thread is hilarious...with Vampire D hunter freaking out like a retard and Smood being an ******* to and all the other **** thats going on


You think this thread is hilarious? Come on have a look at half the other threads in this forum. All this crap going on about Kmans moderating... if you are so bloody worried about a forum dictatorship, mate you need to spend more time away from the computer and in real life.


And mate, if you can't figure out how to UVW map a model, you really shouldn't be modelling in the first place. There is no reason why you should expect someone to UVW map a model for you.




On a different note, I have been working on a Legolas model. Well originally it was made for half-life, but I took it out of storage the other day, and decided to create a new body for it, and redo the head. Have a look:-



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My tusken raider in on hold for a little while, as the weighting of the shoulders and sleeves is fairly complex, and doesn't look too good with lightsaber swings. I will sit down one day soon though and try to work it out completely. As of now the model is completely playable, its just that I hate bad clipping and deforming.

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Originally posted by Major Clod

... if you can't figure out how to UVW map a model, you really shouldn't be modelling in the first place. There is no reason why you should expect someone to UVW map a model for you.



Hmm. I'd say that was a bit harsh. :rolleyes: Everybody needs to start somewhere. I'm a newbie to modelling/UVWMapping,skinning; I'm just now teaching myself how to UVW map my elf: http://jitd.fragland.net/php/upload...he_elfchek2.jpg Nobody really has been there to help, and the tutorials I found aren't very good. Wolfsblade's video helped quite a bit though: http://www.gignews.com/jade_3dsmax.htm



Originally posted by Major Clod

On a different note, I have been working on a Legolas model. ... Legolas


GAWK!!! WOW! .. . . Great Legolas model, Clod!! Awesome likeness. Are you going to add more detail to his outfit?

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