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MOD Probz


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I have been downloading things to make my JK2 look NICE! from jediknightii.net. I downloaded loads of mods and put them in C:\Games\Lucasarts\Star Wars JKII Jedi Outcast\GameData. I run the game in MP mode and go to setup and go to mods then i choose any of them. JKII shrinks then it reopens with a white screen and it stays like that then crashes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mura! :bdroid2:

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Well you are going to need to be more specefic. What kind of mods? Most "things" and "stuff" you download go in the base folder. but untill you tell us what you have, we dont know. Your machines specs could help too. Did you read the readmes for these mods you downloaded. All of them will have one and they are usually correct.

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