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The last word on Coruscant Taxisn and other wacky stuff

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

I've spent the last four hours with my Gameshark on "infinite Jedi jumping" and "infinite credits" to explore every nook and cranny of Coruscant.


If Ki-Adi Mundi is in the game, this ain't how you get him. So stop wasting your time, everybody (at least on this level).




Regarding the taxis of which Sith-Lord Ganjatron spoke so falsely:


1. There's no way to get over to many of them fast enough. Dozens of lives were spent verifying this.


2. In the three or four cases where you can, not a single one of them are "there." They're completley insubstantial, and though I actually caught a few, I fell right through them.


3. Occasionally the taxis are running so far below you that you are not allowed to "drop" to that altitude, even gradually. Once you pass a certain invisible line, the program will kill you, even if you're on screen and centered. Some of the taxis are untouchably below that line.


As for the buildings in the distance, you can land on about 70% of them (and from there, nothing). In the other 30% of cases, the roofs are insubstantial.


You can sometimes lower yourself to the level of the traffic, and have the cars run through you (when you get there, the cars are flat and tiny).


Coruscant's got no floor, just a bottomless black void.


With infinite jumping, you can finaly get many people you couldn't nail before, like the distant blue guy who takes a potshot at you when you're taxiing, those otherwise ungettable droids in the New Orleans section of level 3, and Anakin and the Jawas as they run on that catwalk overhead (they're insubstantial, too).


You can also get to many places I never thought you could get to: the perch the Coruscant boss waits on while his goons are going at you, the distant green ledge after the mushroom tree on Naboo, and an unsuspected peaceful meadow on level nine!


Also found a (second!) points bonus on Naboo for 2,500 (shortly after mushroom tree, close to the 1,000-pointer).


Would never have discovered this stuff without this devilish gadget. I'm lovin' it!

I've totally gone over to the dark side!






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Maul, Sith Lord

What is the code for infinite jumping?




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Guest Darth skywalker

I wish i still had my GS stupid kid.



*Darth skywalker*

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Guest Maul Clone

Thanx Wart, you saved me a lot of time.




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