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Model request


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You better hide quick cuz your ass is gonna get flamed. "Why didn't you put it in the right thread," "This belongs in the official request thread," "Bitch bitch bitch." I'm actually tryin on stuff like that right now.

I just d/led gmax and I'm tryin to make a Beavis and Butthead model but no one will help me out :(. Sigh this community is goin in the dumps.

If I can figure out this modeling stuff I'll be glad to make you an anubis warrior thingy.

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Told ya. Now let's just hope Kman doesn't see this thread lol. I can just hear the Jaws theme goin right now. Doo doo, do doo doo. Anyway if he closes this thread it does deserve to be closed because It belongs under the official request thread. God I sound like Indiana Jones "That belongs in a museum."

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I am a modeler and I refuse to read that thread. It's too much bs.


I say that Kman shouldn't close these. Because the guys that request a different model every ten seconds in the request thread don't get any attention, and these guys do. So, if a guy requests a lightsaber or something outside of the request thread, I can probably do it.

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Yeah you should post in the request thread but the request thread is a bunch of **** and will never be looked at so who knows wich way is better. If someone request something nobody should post in that thread unless they take the request. That way the request threads wouldn't clutter up the forum.

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