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compiling problem because of light emitting surfaces


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i just tried to add a light emitting sky (orangelight and i also tried right_light) but when i want to compile it, the lightning part of the compiling process doesnt stop. when i add a sky without light it takes me 10 mins to compile it...

i get no errors and i waited 4 hours but the compiling process wasnt finished.

im using gtkradiant.


can any1 help plz ?



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you'd be surprised.


Remember, putting a "sun" into your map is defined as putting an infinitely distant light source into your map, coming from an infinite area of the sky.


Thus any patch of your map that can see a sky texture has to have this infinite light source applied to it.


Then it has to calculate shadows for spots where this infinite source doesn't actually fall but the light reflects into.


Then it has to process any normal entity based light. Then any texture based light.


The more parts of your map that are sunlit, and the more brushes that are in these areas, the longer the compile takes.

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