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Serious Sky Problems


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I can't seem to get my sky to work.


I've read 2 tutorials, they both say the same thing, and no matter what I do when I apply the sky shader to my map all's I get is the actual sky DRAWN onto the block, when its supposed to be the checkered pattern.


I've tried selecting some of the checkered patterns and it says it can't find the shaders for the sky..


So I either have a cheap-texture drawn sky or no sky at all..


Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

I can't seem to get my sky to work.


I've read 2 tutorials, they both say the same thing, and no matter what I do when I apply the sky shader to my map all's I get is the actual sky DRAWN onto the block, when its supposed to be the checkered pattern.


I've tried selecting some of the checkered patterns and it says it can't find the shaders for the sky..


So I either have a cheap-texture drawn sky or no sky at all..


Can anyone tell me how to do this?


Reason that you can't find the shader images is that all sky shaders are comprised of multiple images: a front, back, top, down, left, and right. When you apply the shader to the skybox surrounding your map it automatically lines up the sky for you and all it's parts. Because the shader is multiple images, Raven chose to leave it without an editor image which is specified in the shader as:


qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.jpg


which sky shaders are you trying to use?

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I've tried them all..


What exactly am I supposed to see in the texture browser?


Im loading in texture/skies, and mainly im seeing the ACTUAL skies on the browser, and maybe a few of the green checkered patterns.


If I apply the actual sky I just get the basic flat-drawn not-good sky.


If I apply the checkered patterns I get NO sky.


I'm all confused :(


Here's an example of the errors im getting when compiling:



WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/stars


The "skies/stars" part changes depending on whatever sky im attemtping to use.


(That error came from a checkered-pattern sky I applied)

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the sky shaders should be the ones with the checkered patterns and the white box around them in editor. try bespin or yavin. those two definitely work. if they don't work check your vid settings in jk2. i had issues before where I couldn't see any sky shaders. :eek:

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