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Check out my map I'm making, The Goldeneye Facility


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Hey everyone, this is my first map I've ever made and it's in the Beta stage, but I just wanted people to check out the pics. I think it's coming along quite nicely. I did have to make mods to the level that aren't true to the level on the N64, which was making the ceilings higher to allow the camera to pass through without looking funny. I just wanted to post the link and have you guys leave your comments about what the pros/cons are and anything I should do to make it better. I do plan on making it all the way to the bottling room which is the very end of the leve. And yes, I do have the same music playing in the level as the 64 version does. I can't wait to release it. I hope you all like it. It will most likely be a FFA map.






Later ppl!

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Yeah, custom texures would be something I would do to as a very last update because as of now I don't know how to make custom textures and I'm not sure how easy it would be to make the same ones from the 64 version of Goldeneye.

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Just another querry about your doors. What was the Grid Height you used for them? How about the width?

I am trying to get some standards down, because even with a INf0_player box , the editor seems to be a bit decieving when building...

Also, your textures look fine the way they are to me. ONly problem I ahve seen with your level so far is the staircase. It seems to a bit blockish looking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I've noticed that. This map is really rough right now. I was just trying to get the jist of it made then fix little things like that up. Another complaint that I have about my map is that there are a lot of spots where the textures don't line up (ex: The steps for the stairs) They look just fine when I use the devmap "mapname" command to test it out but I also made it to run in MP and the textures don't like up. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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