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ARE you BOT???


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How do i ask that from JK2 ???


(If bot can mean something else too then with

bot I mean non-human controlled player...)


And what i want to do is simply change some

settings so that they are different for bots

and for hmm... humans...


---------- FILE bg_pmove.c ------------








Generates weapon events and modifes the weapon counter




static void PM_Weapon( void )








---if (user of this damn gun = BOT)


------if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_BLASTER && addTime != 0)


---------addTime *= 2.5;


------else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL && addTime != 0)


---------addTime *= 4.0;



---pm->ps->weaponTime += addTime;





... How ??

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