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level 13

Guest Darth Koon

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Guest Darth Koon

i completed the game with all 5 people and got level 11 and 12, now i realised i need the gungan artifacts for level 13, is it still possible for me to get level 13.

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Guest Dave Maul

I guess it is, but I'm not sure; Wart or Kanigget can verify. And you don't have to collect all three with the same person, so pick your best character for each level.




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

...one jump six o'clock to next little mesa, having, of course, waited until right after the sand person shoots the rock wall behind you. Once on mesa, deflect droid fire. Two jumps the next mesa, at two o'clock. Pause. Deflect droid fire. From there walk (no need to jump here) four o'clock onto larger mesa. Pause. Deflect droid fire until he's toast. Get yellow thing.



Now, here's where it is. The terrain immediately south of you appears certain death, but the Gungan artifact lies that way. Some people have said that "the view changes" when you get to this point, but more precisely, it changes only once you jump. Simply walk south, jump if you want, although it isn't necessary. This is the famous "leap of faith" on Tatooine that everybody discusses so much on the JPB forum (or used to, until we crafted this walkthrough).



Proceed south. Kill the Jawa and raid his house. (God knows what this Jawa's been smoking.) See if there's anything good in the fridge. Get all the goodies. The much-ballyhooed Gungan artifact is in the house.


Taken from the Almight Wart's Strategy Guide




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul



Go to the first checkpoint in the game, just before the jumping sequence. Jump to and kill the two tusken raiders on the ledge to your left. Continue until you are on a large platform with two TR's far in front of you, and a couple of droids flying around. Kill the droids, and walk towards the bottom of the screen. The side of the platform is flat. Walk off towards this side and you'll land on solid ground. Walk along the path until you come to a Jawa in his hut. Kill the Jawa, loot the hut and you'll find an object worth 50 points. That's the artifact, so continue as you normally would.




Dave Maul

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