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Texture Problems in Radient...


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Ok, I'm new to JO editing and I need some help with a problem I'm having... I unzipped the editing tools into the Gamedata directory, and I reset the Project settings like it said to in the FAQ, but the textures still load default, and when I try to use them, it says it couldn't load them so it uses the default texture in its place. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I don't know if this helps, but my project settings are as follows:


Basepath: D:\JEDIOU~1\GAMEDATA\base

Mapspath: D:\JEDIOU~1\GAMEDATA\base\maps\


Remotbasepath D:\JEDIOU~1\GAMEDATA\base

Entitypath: D:\JEDIOU~1\GAMEDATA\TOOLS\MP_entities.def

Texturepath: D:\JEDIOU~1\GAMEDATA\base\textures\


Note: Jedi Outcast was installed in D:/Jedi Outcast



Thanks =)

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Well I'm no expert...but I can give you some tips:


1. Change your slashes from \ to /

2. Re-install Jk2Radiand AND Jk2 (I had to do this to get my textures)




The thing with the slashes..Uhm cause I'm not sure, but Radiant has problem with the slashes and I dont remember whihc to use.... But it's just some tips


Hope it helps

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